Ok I think we have to deal with the issue that is on all our minds right now whether you are a fan of Sam or not, WTF was da ?????
A true AWAM fan will eventually learn to keep expectations as low as possible so as not to be disappointed, but what the hell happened at Sam's event? Did L&P get divine inspiration or did he have an epiphany? Im happy for Sam and his fans and also happy for Sophia who is letting go (slowly and painfully) but the bad part is that Sam is third in the popularity poll and with far fewer events than Dylan (who is in place one) has just been overtaken, a VN has to have consistency, a character that has more points and events with the MC must have priority in the "supposed" hot scenes, for me it would have been better than the Hot-Tub fun had been with Dylan (they talk about this in the park) and leave any "flirting" (or more) with Sam for the next day that would have been the most “fair”.
For me personally the whole Sam event.......
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