I also believe that this could be a credible scenario. Especially since Patricia, in my opinion, will push the whole thing massively. Unlike Sophia, who will initially be more interested in the exhibits, Patricia is interested in an amorous adventure.Giving the stakes and the fact that Sohia will have sex in the next days. It can either be Aiden forcing which I do not believe or the Museum guys. Sam is out for a few days. He only has a small scene on Tuesday. Dylan would be a HUGE Taboo for her.
So who else could be left? The LEsbian part is clear that this will happen at the Ranch IMO.
Nothing is better to cross the line with a one night stand without consequences.
But what we can't answer yet, Patricia would take the last step? There is the agreement with Carl her husband. And it is not clear to me now if Patricia will be more the person who will/wants to save Sophia from this step. Or if she wants to use her big sister as an excuse to break the agreement with Carl. ("My big sister is doing it, so I can do it too!").
But nowadays museums are equipped with security technology and cameras at every corner. And even if one of the guys is the museum director's son, he's hardly going to allow his son to turn off the security. If someone is looking for an abortion scenario, it could be that one of the women notices the camera on the wall in the middle of the sexual action. And then asks if they are active. Then Sophia would be able to take home a DVD of her first time having (almost) extramarital sex.
But you can also assume that Sophia will have the first time extramarital sex with a penetration on the romantic route. It is plausible to assume that the first time will be with someone Sophia has feelings for (i.e. Alyssa or Sam).
However, this scenario would make continuing down the corruption path on the other routes more implausible. When one is freshly in love, other potential sex partners become uninteresting for a while. In my opinion, it works better and more credible in the other direction.
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