Thanks for quick reply. I thought that was the case. So LP does not release the event when it's done according to his gauges, but places the development to end of month cycles.
I knew that too based on Patreon subscription payments but he is not being subtle about it.
He did release updates all across the board. Check this post (and bookmark it) to see all the info you could ever need in regards to render count, renders/day, release dates, development time per PD...etc;
you have to play Part 1 to the very end and let the game export your progress.
provide a meaningful name to keep different playthroughs apart.
you start Part 2 by importing one of your exported game states. save files made by anything other than Part 2 are marked incompatible cuz there is simply no content of Part 1 to get Part 1 save files working.
keep in mind, only exported game states of my android port of Part 1 are usable!
from now on my android ports of Ren'Py games have a 2nd, persistent save location like windows. if you uninstall an app, the save files and persistent data remain intact.
therefore the app needs the permission to access the public external storage (or a new one on Android 11), because it has to read and write outside its own external storage directories.
you have to grant the permission or the app is shut down.
have fun and please report problems (you can reach me
seen the shit and it sucks compared to being with the boys it was pointless to even do the lesbo scenes anyways even if it were to be a prelude into a a threesome with dylan/ellie and sophia . i could care less about either of those updates lesbo and the hetro ones im not on the path but was curious about it to see what the fuck took so fast at updating the thing the hotness of the boys being their at least had some finger play somewhat the lesbo one seems to have just the ending were mommy "licks" daughters Vajj i mean yes their was kissing and such and the other random bitches that were in it did some dike stuff but outside of that disappointing at least to me and others as well i just hope the fucker moves just as fast with the next update and one after it like he use too. i guess he can claim he will have 4 updates this year not PD but updates but still is impressive for LP
for now anyways in a another few updates he will go back to the dike shit again probably as evidenced by the end of the last update about the gym but hell that could be cut or changed or whatever knowing LP changing stuff up for detarded reasons and shit but otherwise your right
The first version was hotter (my opinion)! Next is Vicky event at the gym, and after that the first side job (I hope so).
So far I'm in naughty Sophia route with old gents, Aiden tasks, Bennet, Sam, Dylan cuck, lesbian and Ellie forgive to Logan.
Pointless update. No pointiless path but how he has focused the update is absurd.
First of all no need to make an extra update intead of including it in the last update. Secondly, makes no sense to keep adding more NPCs. Spend time progressing in Sophie and Ellie's relationship but not throug adding two random girls who nobody cares about.
Finally, it's time (it was time ago but never is late) to erase the paths and characters less loved. I don't like Sam, but I know his path is really liked. But there are many (many, when I say many, is many) in the game that are not really really liked for the majority. So... to make the game progress quicker, with the most interesting characters and paths, he should erase some paths and characters under my opinion.