A lot needed to be fixed, actually.
First: The devs don't speak English and aren't American.
They are however AMAZING <3
And no I'm not just saying that. Bias aside they really are.
And they are making a story in English and in America.
Enter me. An American writer/creator... that lives in America.
I refined the story for them. Improved the dialogue so that it's better
and how they want it. And that's the way it's going to be moving forward.
So yes. There were definitely things that needed fixing. And they were fixed

The delays was due to illness and this thing called real life. Now I can help balance
that out moving forward. They know how dedicated I am and how fast a worker I am.
And for those of you that participate in our Discord (join our Patreon.. link coming soon 'tm')
You can see for yourself how much more fun our side of the VN-universe is
Again the Demo was a beta test. This is the Alpha release. This was always going to happen.
There will be no updates or re-works of the Prologue. Chapter One is currently in development.
That said *drum roll* We would love it if you would please join our Patreon and support the
development of "A Wife's Loyalty". There will be a public release so support the developers
before begging some doof goon hero to slap it on here. If you don't care to support us, fine.
Just be patient, it will be released publically in due time. If you're that impatient, become a Cookie
member and get it on the 19th. Easy peasy.
You must be registered to see the links
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