I personally think:
- If a game is abandoned in the beginning - that means people did not like it or the developer could not keep up, etc.
- But if the game is almost finished (0.75) and then abandoned - it is always sad. People always think "why not to finish it - only a few releases left and if necessary the developer can take some break and then continue", because everybody wants to the the end of the story.

Mundo Games - we all really hope that you will come back some day and finish this amazing story!
That is of course if the game was close to it's end. Often people use weird numbering systems, which do not always reflect where the game is. Normally a release of 1.0 is final, but not always. I too hope that he comes back one day,but i am not holding my breath on that happening,it seemed like he had lost where the story was going,it seemed a little all over the place, but that was fine, I found the story really funny! There where some really nice models being used in his vn.