Fallen Utopia Update 35
Time for another progress report.
Fallen Utopia Core:
Fallen Utopia Extras
(* means written)
(** means written and scripted)
Insanity: 300%
Progress Since Last Update:
Continued general code management, integration, and testing.
Continued image pool refining and sorting.
Fallen Utopia Writing: Ghost Resident Scene, Ghost Resident Descendant, Human After Battle, and Mermaid After Battle.
Far Coast Writing: 4 Core Story Scenes of 60ish planned Core story scenes.
While working on the refinements, integration, and conversion from the old code base to new and the other worked needed for Fallen Utopia, I will be using some other time to continue making progress forward with the story for the Far Coast update that follows this one.
So hopefully the gap between the two updates will be greatly reduced.
It's still going to be awhile before Fallen Utopia is ready though, even knowing it was going to be a good amount of work to do the conversion, I probably still underestimated things again slightly... also trying to make it to the standard that I want.
I'll do my best to get it out ASAP, but it might be closer to late May early June now rather than the end of March / start of April like I originally thought.
I'll be back on the 25th with another report on my progress.
Until then everyone take care and have a good couple of weeks.