4.20 star(s) 57 Votes


New Member
Dec 4, 2022
I'm really sorry, any kind person can provide me with the latest version of customs clearance to save. Due to update issues, my computer was wiped and I lost all my saves, but I really can't play the game anymore recently, so please send me a save before the end so that I can play the ending at any time, thank you very much
Mar 9, 2023
Why is it that, when finding the spot for the Mummy Grave, the description says it's a place where preservatives can be gathered, but once it's actually built, the occupants generate stones?

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Active Member
Nov 12, 2017
Why is it that, when finding the spot for the Mummy Grave, the description says it's a place where preservatives can be gathered, but once it's actually built, the occupants generate stones?
If you build an Outpost instead of a lair for mummies it will produce preservatives. Pay more attention to what the descriptions tell you.


New Member
Jul 25, 2021
When using the girl editor on one of Nambi's children with a double name, this error always occurs

Any fix for this? If not it's fine, it's honestly a minor annoyance at most.


New Member
Feb 15, 2021
___ Tell me if there is a guide / tutorial on how to make your own girl and add her to the game. How do I understand (after all, this is just a set of packed pictures and text), but how to register in the game? I will be very grateful! I'm interested in both the plot character and the random daughter (I want to increase the number of variations so that there are more options in the cheat menu to change the girl's ass, boobs, stomach and appearance).
___ Подскажите, есть ли гайд\туториал, как сделать свою девочку и добавить её в игру. Как сделать я понимаю (ведь это просто набор упакованных картинок и текста), но как прописать в игре? Буду очень благодарен! Интересует как сюжетный персонаж, так и рандомная дочь (хочу увеличить количество вариаций, чтобы в меню читов было больше вариантов изменять попу, сиськи, живот и внешность девочки).


New Member
Feb 15, 2021
EternalSession12 Cake3Purple6Cheese948 Rolandiy
Search for box += '<<option ' + $v.slaves[i].slaveName + ' ' + i + '>>'; and replace it with box += '<<option "' + $v.slaves[i].slaveName + '" ' + i + '>>';. In version 3.2.1, it should be line 17737 in the html file.
Can you elaborate (what will I achieve with this line and what will appear)?) I am inexperienced in writing code on this engine. And it doesn't look like much to add a whole unique girl of her own.


Apr 28, 2018
It fixes the error you get when viewing a girl with a name that contains a space (eg "Aha Njoku") in the girl editor.
Mar 9, 2023
Sorry if this is a dumb question or whatever, but do cloth and potions have any in-game effect? (That is to say, is there any real benefit to keeping and taming species that produce cloth or potions?)


New Member
Apr 19, 2020
Quick question just started playing and built a food outpost in the field, does this stop me building a Cow home as explored the region for weeks now and has never come up again, got all the other monster homes so far but no cow home?
4.20 star(s) 57 Votes