GOD DAMN IT! Im so annoyed rn, THERES NO PREGNANCY in this bitch. The sole reason I played this for. Bruh, my life is a lie and I cant feel more disappointed.
-Overall, the art was great and the game was decent.
-Very few slides. I think I saw over 20 lines of text per photo. I mean, can I really blame them? Clearly a lot of effort was put into each drawing.
-Too much text for my taste. Many things they said were pretty repetitive, but we gotta keep in mind this is being translated from jap to eng. Japanese people must have their own way of expressing themselves I guess.
-And lastly the darn PREGNANCY tag NEEDS to be changed to IMPREGNATION! They don't even show a sign of pregnancy, not verbally, nor visibly. They do talk about carrying MC's child and even attempt it, but sadly that's as far as it gets.
-I would recommend this if you into corrupting and stealing overly-thicc married milfs in order to start your own harem. Other than that, nothing special to see here