- Sep 17, 2019
- 332
- 196
Release 2.3 // 08.12.2019
No donations // no ad-maze // no upfront payment
If you paid for this, you were scammed!
If you like the game, please buy it!
If you enjoy the mods, please consider donating to the modders on patreon where possible.
This pack is made with a up2date base game as of 06.12.2019, along with the components listed in credits, all up2date as of the release date of this pack. Some extras have been included, but are either easily removable or are sorted into folders marked [OPTIONAL]. Enjoy!
To add shortcuts to your desktop of the launcher and the most important folders for the game, feel free to run '[BR] Create Desktop Icons.bat'.
If you have trouble starting the game, start the game once through the launcher (InitSetting.exe), this will check for errors and fix them as well before starting the game.
I don't recommend just extracting this over another repack, due to potential conflicts. Please extract this to its own folder and move over your chara, cap, studio and save folders.
If you wish to convert this pack into a vanilla pack, there is a included script named '[BR] Vanillify the game.bat' that gives you the following options:
1. Remove only translation, leaving the rest of the mods intact
2. Remove all BetterRapack Extras
4. Remove all BetterRepack Extras, mods and translation
Feel free to use this script to customize your install, but keep in mind that using this may make the game incompatible with future repack updates, requiring you to download the next repack in full!
Feel free to DM me on discord (ScrewThisNoise#3544) with the card(s) and/or scene(s), and I'll see what I can do for the next release. (See community links for server link)
[B]What is included in the base game?[/B]
- Base release game
- All preorder extras
- Newest official update as of 06.12
[B]Updated in release 2.3 (this release):[/B]
- Applied official update <aisyoujyo_02_plus_1206fed_all>
- Updated 2155X's AI_ExtraGirls to v1.0.1
- Updated 2155X's AI_LightSettings to v2.1.0
- Updated FairBair's Agent Trainer to v1.1.0
- Updated Mikke's PushUpPlugin for AI-Shoujo v1.1.2
- Updated STN's AIShoujoLauncher to v1.5
- Added FairBair's HardcoreMode v1.0.3 as optional
- Added GeBo's AI_TranslationCacheCleaner v0.5
- Added Marco's KKManager v0.8.0 (Dependency for sideloader modpack update functionality)
These are locations where either I distribute new packs and updates, or partner-sites and services do so.
- [url]http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/members/screwthisnoise-181111/[/url]
- [url]https://thef95zone.info/threads/illusion-ai-girl-ai-discussion-thread.34853/[/url]
- [url]https://sukebei.nyaa.si/user/screwthisnoise[/url]
- [url]https://otomi-games.com/koikatu/[/url]
Discord Fan-Server
- [url]https://discord.gg/F3bDEFE[/url]
- [url]https://pastebin.com/QRRKtC45[/url]
2155X's AI_LightSettings
- [url]https://www.patreon.com/2155X[/url]
connector_jp's DHH
connector_jp's DHH MadWorld
- No link, see discord
DeathWeasel's AI_InputHotkeyBlock
DeathWeasel's MaterialEditor
DeathWeasel's Subtitles
- [url]https://www.patreon.com/DeathWeasel[/url]
Enimaroah's SB3Utility
- [url]https://github.com/enimaroah/SB3Utility[/url]
Hooh's Heelz
Marco's AI_BetterAA
Marco's AI_Screencap
Marco's AIABMX
Marco's AIAPI
Marco's FPS Counter
Marco's MessageCenter
Marco's RuntimeUnityEditor
- [url]https://www.patreon.com/ManlyMarco[/url]
Mikke's PushUpPlugin for AI-Shoujo
- No link, see discord
STN's English Launcher
STN's Sideloader Modpack
- [url]https://www.patreon.com/BetterRepack[/url]
Misc (Collabs etc):
AIGirlFixes ([url]https://github.com/IllusionMods/IllusionFixes[/url])
BepisPlugins ([url]https://github.com/IllusionMods/BepisPlugins[/url])
thx ! will try this once i've updatedSecond the clip plane mod, the final setting in the "J" key window is the distance from the player the camera rests at. If you increase your height in the former then move the camera back away from the player avatar you will likely be close to what you want. Also note if you go all the way in on the 3rd person you will get an over the right shoulder view almost like Gears of War.
You should just do a clean reinstall, Uninstall the broken one then Reinstall the fresh one thats the fastest solution.I want to know the basic at least for not broke the game adding or erasing files.
Try redownloading, they could have been corrupted during download.Has anyone encountered the issue where the scenes downloaded from the official illusion site cannot be loaded? I’m running a clean game install and the scene files were downloaded from Illusion official uploaded site using a VPN. But 8 out of 10 files won’t load and just get stuck upon reading in NeoStudio2... wonder if that’s just me or what’s going on here
Official update 1206
No idea if anyone else has already shared this, but here's some links... kinda cough me by surprise... working on testing it for my pack.
Full (Mega):You must be registered to see the links
Full (Google):You must be registered to see the links
Full (BR Host):You must be registered to see the links
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Sub (Google):You must be registered to see the links
Sub (BR Host):You must be registered to see the links
No, it was added in 2.3.Hello, is this already included in the BR 2.2?
no, i like to keep it simple. beside, i cant handle VN mod, too complex with me@
Did you ever think about an Story for your Creations? Making an vn is very easy. Some words to an Pic and Story is ready.
Just an Question i always ask myself by see your artwork.
I think that was added by one of the two recent updates, them asking, I mean. For example, I had one of my original girls, I have two original girls and I have two default girls in my save, come to me and ask to take a break with me, which then led to her taking me to a couch where she proceeded to use her lap as a pillow for me. I think that is added by one of the two updates since I never had that happen before. I didn't play 2.2 with the November update only, so I don't know if that was the one or if it was the December update released a few days ago.the Changes in 1.0.5 for me is that the Girls more often come to me for asking different Question like Eating together ,sleeping together, of course this "other Thing" and Sex .