
Oct 27, 2019
hello there i have some questions

1. can somebody point me where is located last girl ?
2. how do i upload custom BGM to game (to play it on radio in-game) which folder is it ?

Ty in advance and have nice day :)
  • 4th girl locate on the secret lab at the last region. You must fix the power generator to gain access to the lab. The lab require 2 person to unlock so you must bring the girl with you.
  • You must put .wav files in [RootGameFolder]/UserData/audio. BGM can be set with gramophone, jookbox, and stereo.


Oct 27, 2019
I got 4 girls running around now and the frame rate went to complete dogs**it.
Yeah... that's what happens... the only course of action I had... was putting the render resolution down to it's lowest which was 1/4th ... then I also disabled self shadow it causes some donk in the framerate sometimes... I always hated depth of field sooo \o/ that's how i keep 4 girls from killing my frames XD... also Alt-Tabbing, and editing the girls using the terminal at any point can cause the game to drop frames til you restart the game...... donno why but that's how the game frikkin wants to play XD...

that's my advice on fixing the framerates... i use the better repack with no added settings just whatever is already in the game on execute, cuz last time I solo'd the mods and plugins, oooohh... bad idea...! XD
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Aug 27, 2017
ohh nice ty 888hydra :) Keros yeah i had to turn some graphic options with 3 girls... i dont know and imagine what will be happening if i unlock the 4th girl xD


Oct 23, 2019
I got 4 girls running around now and the frame rate went to complete dogs**it.
correct me if im wrong but afaik every stutter happen when any shoujos switch animation set (also happen when etch scene) like eating, cooking, etc no matter your pc is nasa approved or a toaster, a spike of memory (whether you notice or not) happens, so the more npc switching (no matter how far or close they are from the hero) actions the more frequent the stutter is, i guess thats the reason when youre Etching, all other npc are disable/disappear. Make me wonder if illusion make a hack and slash game...


New Member
Oct 25, 2019
i downloaded a 100% save but where is the free h mode?
i also wanna know a list of all h position i can hv in game


Active Member
Sep 7, 2019
Is there a save with fully leveld up AI´s ? :)
Unsure what you mean by fully leveled up (have not yet found a cap) but I have girls all stats roughly 600-900 atm... Except Vigilance, I always kept that low, so 50-200ish on that... Vigilance is just her rejection of perverted actions...


Active Member
Sep 7, 2019
Great, so is there an Guide on how to train the Girls ? :/
Not a guide but what do you want to know?

The girls gain exp in different qualities based on actions they perform. You can equip them with good gear, put them on follow, and go farm the world, training them on where all the gather, dig, mine, fishing, farming, insect collection, etc., points are. You know they acknowledged the activity because they will clap/cheer. Then when you turn them loose on their own they will perform whatever actions they have been shown how to do. They can do it on their own eventually, but like my first girl, I didn't know what I was doing yet, my 4th girl got the best start, she passed all the others quickly and has by far the highest stats.

You need to get their trust, instinct, and sociality up first if you want them to advance their transformation quickly. Trust will make them listen to your commands (too well may I add, they will work until collapse etc., so you need to micromanage them a little, make them eat, and take rest breaks), instinct will make them focus harder on their tasks with fewer distractions, and sociality will enable them to both learn from and teach the other girls, advancing both a little.

You need to equip them with the appropriate skills early on to advance their growth fastest. I thought that transformation dictated growth, but others have pointed out that the growth level to add skills (on the character status card, top right box, skills: Normal/H-Scene) you need to reach 3 hearts, which requires a lot of interactions, like listening to her problems, asking her how she is/how she feels, and gift giving, as well as desireable H interactions, but nothing rushed/forced. Thereafter you will want to add skills that say "[variable action X] will increase [variable stat]." I.E. Skill Chip description states: "If the girl achieves orgasm during vaginal intercourse her instinct will increase exponentially," or "If the hero cums during female controlled H-scene, she will gain slightly more trust." To add the skills you need to go into the phone's status screen and click on the "-----" at the top right under skills: Normal/H-Scene to add skills once available.

You want to farm up colognes (mistranslated "colons" ROFL), magazines/books, and gems which are gift you can give to the girls to add +10, +50, and +100 to different parameters of their personality traits.

You will want to design multiple outfits and save them as templates in the character creator so the girls can change their clothes often, something necessary for her "Girl-power" progress to increase. Be sure you make some day clothes sets, work clothes sets, bathing attire, and pajamas for the girls.

You will want to run around and collect a large amount of resources to build up all three possible bases to have:
1. A non-leaking roof: this is simply making a solid structure without offset pieces, but it necessary that they structure doesn't let in water.
2. A bed
3. A heat source

These first three are absolutely essential to keep your girls healthy and prevent them from passing out, which will increase their darkness. Giving them privacy when doing personal things is also important, like bathing, changing, using the bathroom.

4. A cooking station
5. A dining/picnic table

4 and 5 are for optimal health of the girls

Non-essentials that will increase their stats thought time
6. A bath
7. A toilet
8. A place to change their clothes (raises Girl-Power stat)

These are for their happiness and some skill points with transformation exp:

9. "Field" farm plots with plants. Note: they will tend the plants and water plots without plants planted, but those tended will yield more items (usually 3 different ones) when harvested.
10. Pets - cat, chickens, fish, butterflies, robots, hybrid special pets made through crafting, all give the girls exp and positive feelings.
11. Fans, not as important as a heat source, but helps maintain temperature normality.
13. Books/desks with reading materials, helps girls increase their underlying intelligence which helps them advance all skills slightly faster.
14. Chairs, benches, stools, etc., enables the option of "a girl takes a break," improves endurance and prevent the faint condition "overworked."
15. Swing, Slide, TV, Video Games, etc., enables the girls to be "playful," which positively effects mood.

This final thing is another must, but is not for the girls at all...

16. Medicine table: needed to make various medicines and remedies to negative status effects.

The final things are mostly you, commit more time to running around and farming early on. Advance your tools as quick as possible to farm the three star gather points. Be sure to also expand your bag to give you more time to collect and dump off excess items in the chest frequently. Check the SHOP daily to see if she has anything important like items to boost the girl's stats, or things needed to advance your gathering capabilities. Try to take time out each day to commit to at least one girl and spend time with her. Check her status and see what she needs most. If she is hungry and has a cold, give her medicine then take her to eat. If her "naughty" is 100% then offer her to H or talk dirty to her and see if she reciprocates. If she doesn't immediately take, then just move on to another topic, if you force her she will dislike you and her darkness and vigilance will increase. Once you go beyond a certain point, she will be unable to love you again, unless you craft the stat reducing magazines from the stat increase items, one of each for one stat decrease item. So you have to trade +160 for -50.

That about covers the basics... If I think of anything I will edit below this line with a line leader "EDIT:" attached so you know it is new...

EDIT: Keep your food storage full with the best food you can provide. In the beginning this will be mostly boiled river water and fried fish, but as you farm and fish more you will be able to make better dishes and drinks. Just make sure that your food storage always has premade food available and some ingredients for the girls to make food (so they can get that girl-power and instinct bonus exp if they want).

EDIT: Proceed slowly and unlock girls one at a time. It is much easier micromanaging one girl while building your world, than 3 or 4... They will distract you from your goals often... They are almost the antagonists...

EDIT: Do not rush to H girls, as a matter of fact, early on, even when they approach you, just speed the H along and select "cum together" then exit as soon as she stops talking. Let her rattle on her babbling to the end when the "reinsert/pull out" option appears on the bottom left then exit, so she gets full exp/credit for the H. The H interaction speeds up time and if you get her off 2 or 3 times, you will have lost half the day that you could have been farming. This will also force the girls to be more social which will build their sociality and girl power, as well as make them collectively learn from one another while you attend other tasks. Just make sure you watch their hunger and fatigue in the status window.
Last edited:


Active Member
Aug 9, 2016
Anyway to deal with the overwork condition? Either preventing it or curing it when it happens?
You can tell her to have a break in order to avoid it, but if it does happen just let her rest. It will take longer than usual but she will recover.


Active Member
Sep 7, 2019
Anyway to deal with the overwork condition? Either preventing it or curing it when it happens?
Tell the girl to take a break or remove her from the task she has been when her fatigue is high. You can give her a sleeping potion, or take her to bed (no H just rest), or even H her and force her to pass out. You can also prevent the condition, or well, significantly decrease fatigue by having places for the girls to sit, read, and play (chairs/stools/reading desks/swings etc) so that they do not work all the time. Just remember, when you send her out to farm up items, she won't stop (except to eat, sleep, use the toilet, bathe, change clothes) until she is given new commands or faints. If she faints multiple times she will become overworked. If a girl is nearing 100% fatigue rush over to them to offer some coffee and end the task they are on. Get them to follow and then eat and sleep with her. If they collapse before you get there carry them to a bed with a fan in the room and check back to see if they awake or start moving again and cater to them until their fatigue is dropped down far enough.

The best way is to closely monitor fatigue, but once she passes out, she needs to simply sleep until the green interaction icon returns. You can give her coffee to wake her up or coconut liquor to make her rest more. There is no cure once it takes place (that I have found so far) but there are prevention and treatments for it after she regains basic consciousness, even if she is still in bed...

If they get enough rest and have enough resources available to them, they will likely stay in an "enthusiastic" or "motivated" state which nearly prevents fatigue and sickness...


Nov 12, 2018
I really wonder if Illusion ever again is going to make it possible to aim yourself where you want to cum onto. (Like in Artificial Academy 2)
I really miss making a literal mess out of them.
I doubt anyone could mod something in?
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Sep 7, 2019
Anyone figured these out yet?
I answered you once, I believe at least, previously...

Intelligence: She will gain more bonus exp from reading and exploring the island.
Endurance: She will fatigue 1/3 slower rate when performing work tasks.
Loyalty: She will be less likely to H with others and will stay on tasks assigned by the hero more strictly.
May 4, 2019
Can someone clarify where 'dark matter' is actually coming from or why my girls eat it when normal food is present? I assume it's a byproduct of using a witch cauldron but somebody in this thread mentioned it is somehow related to them being unable to cook properly. Is there a way to make girls evil but without them having stomach ache all the time and not assaulting or treating them badly and building actual hatred which is vigilance?


Mar 19, 2019
My girl have really bad stomach ache and Shopkeeper is gone for 2 days.
How do I cure her? she in really bad stage now. I just open the ruin zone with 400 point.

and also I use R1.3 but I don't see new item such as gun yet. What I do wrong?
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