I'm sorry, but that is some incredibly weak justification for incredibly aggressive monetization, and the smug extortative remark at the end is an awful, awful look. It makes the whole thing look not just like an error you're being stubborn about fixing, but a calculated plan to blackmail players.
If you have made content for the game and not put it into the game, that is cutting content. Particularly when it is story content that informs the decisions of the characters. People who don't play it will have a different understanding of your story and a different experience to those who do. It's not an extra scenario that takes place after the game, or an alternate universe unrelated to it. It's part of the game, and you have cut it. It's like when publishers of video games include day one dlc on the game disc, but lock it until you pay for a key. If the content is made during the creation of the game then it should be in the game. Selling dlc that adds to the game later is fine, gating content behind a $30 a month paywall is worse than even most triple A publishers. That is shameful. Trying to reframe it as "additional content" is as unbelievable and manipulative as EA with their "surprise mechanics" line.
Next, you were the one to attach the cut content to a tier that had commissioned images. That was your choice. No one forced you. Like I said, having cut content added to a tier with a limit is something that I've never even seen before. Even the infamous Darth Smut didn't come up with that trick. It's absurd. You could easily move the cut content to the second highest tier to fix this, but you aren't either because of greed or stubbornness. Neither is a good look. You chose to make the tiers this way. Don't pretend you don't have the power to change it. No one here is that naive.
And again we get to that "buy me better hardware and I'll consider opening more slots in my exploitative tier" statement. Seriously. You don't say how many you'll increase it to. You ignore the obvious fixes to the problem. You just leverage your own greedy decisions to extort money with no guarantee of any details or fixes. That's pretty gross.
Wow...you are the most aggressive person I have ever spoken on the internet, and this means something. You are throwing statements around, when you obviously know next to nothing, that's completely hilarious.
So let me get this straight. Adding more bonus content for my patrons, is now a bad thing! Adding more content to higher tiers, to make them more worth it, is now a bad thing! Especially when the additional content is
in fact completely nonrelevant to the story. And then your comparision...that's so gross!
And using the word greed, is the most unfitting and stubborn statement I can think of.
So let me state some facts and give you a little insight:
I have worked nearly a year on this game, before I have released it's very first version. Just to make sure that everything is as good as it can be (at this point in time). This means, working a year on a project, knowing I won't get a single dime in return. And why? Because I wanted to make something special. Something you haven't seen before and is worth your time playing. And creating a whole world, an interesting and entertaining story, unique characters with their own personalities, building a fighting system, completely from scratch (it took me months to get this working), adding an tremendous amount of sound effects and much much more...without getting anything in return. Yeah this is really greedy.
Hell, you know what I could have been doing, instead? I could have done the same game like 80% on this site (no offense meant). Doing a story about a guy who is moving to a different town, right at the start of the game. He would be living with a milf and some teenies in a big villa. And then, implement some grindy gameplay mechanics where you have to click countless times through the same rooms, over and over again, just to get lucky one time and witness a short little shower scene, consisting of around 1 or 2 images. And again, no offense taken, there are some good ones out there.
But this is not my cup of tea... I wanted to create something more original than that.
With that being said, there aren't grindy mechanics in the game who would stretch your playtime quite heavy. And this means, I have to work very hard for every second you can play. Some little parts have taken days of work, resulting in only a few seconds of playtime. For example, Freyas finishing move on the Centurion Orc. The amount of work and adjusting was crazy. But this is the price you have to pay, when you do something original.
And why do I want someone supporting this project?
Well, I don't care if you believe me or not, but I love creating things. And doing a game where I can be very creative from start to finish, is very fulfilling. And if someone is supporting me for the extra content I'm completely fine with that. But if someone want to support me, because he sees all the hard work behind this project and want to support me just for that, this is the biggest thank you someone can give to me!
And also, creating a game like this is very expensive. I am still far away from compensating my costs.
Furthermore, all the income is going right back into this project. And honestly, if I could afford some better hardware myself, I won't hesitate and have done it already. Sadly this isn't the case!
And believe me, working like this is no fun, everything takes way too long to render and also the scene-setup is really awful to make, especially when I do a scene in Full-3D.
This one render has taken my PC over 10 hours to render. The whole scene is in Full-3D and has around 70 Images. You can imagine, how long this has taken me, to complete

Of course I want that to change!
Anyways, don't judge about people you don't know and stay respectful.
Have a nice day, Everyone!!!