Alison is one game. And that's where you went wrong from the start. There is no critique to be had to begin with. I am not being aggressive. I'm being honest. Harem and Dom are just different paths within the same game. And it is an update every month or three in the worst-case scenario if I'm working on The Shrink. As for what you would rather play, that's entirely up to you. I suggest you do that instead of "critiquing me" and then getting all worked up when I respond to said critique. A second PC would indeed allow me to work on more than one path which would literally equal an update for all paths 3 times sooner. And seeing as Alison is one game, you get one update every 30 to 90 days at worst case. Take care now.
You are totally missing the point I'm trying to make, I know Alison is one game, but the way the game is going it's like 3 games in 1. I told you that your game is progressing slowly (1 update for 10+months is slow) and all you're doing is dissmissing that and telling me that you give updates every 30-90. I know you do, but when you have 4 different "games" then 1 update every let's say 60 days equals 1 update per 6 months for each "game" and as we see it can be even longer. (nearly 9 months without an update for harem route)
Why should I get worked up? I have nothing to get worked up about, I'm just trying to calmly explain my point, and you keep dismissing it.
Maybe I should say you are getting passive-aggressive instead of only aggressive.
Now imagine if you were actually paying for it. *Phew* it's a good thing you get it all for free. Devs work as fast as the hardware allows them too. Try supporting the games you enjoy, and maybe you will see faster updates
You can play it for free and complain if that's what you choose.
As for what you would rather play, that's entirely up to you. I suggest you do that instead of "critiquing me" and then getting all worked up when I respond to said critique.
If that's not passive-aggressive, I don't know what is.
You also have to take into consideration that it is 1 guy doing all the work not a group of ppl working on it.
There is 1 update ~ month atm.
That's exactly the point I'm trying to make, he has too much work on his hands. And because of that updates are distributed among all of his games (routes in this game) and it seems like they aren't really progressing.
OneManVN I'm not trying to attack you or anything, you're doing a good job. All I wanted to say is that because of the amount of "games" you have they feel like they aren't progressing at all. I like harem route in Alison, but if I only want to play it, not other routes and The Shrink, I have to wait for a long time to get an update, that's all. Anyway wish you the best with your games, hope you can prove me wrong about "not handling it well"