VN - Ren'Py - Alternate Worlds [v0.0213] [Motkeyz Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Oh boy, i love the creation wrok from this artist but let's speak about that game!
    Is that really an interactive novel? Cause i past most of my time reading stuff without being able to chose anything?
    The graphic are cool but the story is a bit boring. The animation are decent
    Story: 2/5, Anim: 3/5, Graphic: 5/5,Fun2/5
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This is off to a terrible start, I honestly don't know how it can be redeemed.
    The renders are excellent and a step up from the dev's last game. The story is easily the worst I have seen for such good graphics.
    Not content with a max tier Gary Stu in family life, he also is one in another dimension. I have no idea how this is supposed to entertaining.

    Story 1/5 , Originality 1/5 , Renders 4.5/5 , Animations 4/5

    Maybe I will change the score at a later date but the dev needs to do better coming up with an interesting concept and story. The top tier visuals are being wasted here and we are better of just watching porn if the other elements are this poor.

    This is nowhere near where his last game was in the early stages.
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Boehser Onkel

    for v0.0213

    good writing
    very good renders
    alot of milfs

    way to big boobs
    no option to choose who the mc plows (only for now i hope)

    can be a hit in the future if done right
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Dr Secz

    There it is. One of the best adult games creator. One is sure, quality animations, graphics are above amazing. Story like always unique and excellent. Why for stars? Why not five? Well, because my opinion is that second story was not necessary for me. First one, i call it normal. Is ideal. Second one, more explicit...well, nah... Not tickling enough.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Review from version v0.0213
    Amazing renders, beautiful women and good animations but most of the time the dialogue is almost painful to read. At the barbecue and introduction to the characters the comic relief friend quickly becomes annoying with his poor attempts of humor and blabbering about how badass the mc was back in his prime while everyone comments on how much of a clown he is. And this already sets the pace for the rest of the game. Every conversation feels dragged with the characters yapping without saying much.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    There's a lot of potential in this one.

    The story does feel natural, not the usual jump from one main scene to another, plus it takes its time to show and develop characters, LIs, friends, family, etc, definetly some great vibes.

    But, IMHO, I feel things could be better delivered, such as the pace. We are presented to an entire cast right out of the gate during the barbecue,; in the same night, your wife (which you barely spend time so far) is already making plans to share her husband... not to mention what happens at "night". So it really felt rushed.

    Renders are top notch, and at this point, I just wish animations in general had a little more impact, best of luck.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This game at this point is somehow describes as "a middle aged man, ex fighter with a big belly that aged badly and is kind of ugly and not exactly smart, having sex with his wife in day 1 and somehow (time) travels, in day 2, to an alternate reality to have sex with his ex-wife, who looks 15-25 years older than the ugly middle aged MC, and a blond bimbo who he used to date in college (who by the way looks awesome)"

    In more details,

    Cg's similar to timestamps which is good, an MC's close to a middle age man that was someone in the past and now is not him, middle age crisis etc . The animations have the same issues with timestamps, somehow limited but the main issue is the story. A dialogue with the mother in law that was somehow interesting but from there nothing. Alternate realities, different Li's with a back story somehow weak .. anyway

    I think the story is so weak that it's difficult to play, at least up to now. This one probably needs 5-6 more versions to see if the story gets better , somehow connects to something, because at this point it is difficult to understand how it will improve in a version or two.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Needv more content for me to judge it accurately, as of now this rating is purely based on long dialogue that often meandered w/o getting onto point , as if writer didn't know what to edit .
    The female render are top notch, the potential of this game immense but sadly the opening is not good, as it is not efficient.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Current review version : v0.0105
    Visual : 10/10 it's awesame.
    Story : 10/10 very cool "what if" story.
    MC : 10/10 MC have a good back story for himself
    Characters : 10/10 characters are gorgeous with there own personalities.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't agree with the criticism that the game is boring. I don't know what you expect from the trailer, but it actually does its job and it does it well. The characters are quite vivid and each of them has unique characters and it definitely doesn't feel contrived. There is no need to say much, as expected from Motkeyz, a solid production comes out again.

    This was a 5 point entry, it may or may not change in the future and we will see what happens.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing! All the render quality is fabulous, and the characters are natural, especially the mother-in-law. The dialogue feels natural and keeps you hooked. The adult scenes are nicely animated too, and they fit well with the story. Overall, I’d give it a solid 5/5.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Bro In The Game

    LIs are very beautiful and attractive especially for MILF lovers like me

    Although the story is told in its first version, there is a lot to look forward to, hopefully we will see many strange and unique sexual relationships.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    [Review for v0.0104]

    I would usually refrain from rating a game so early, but this isn't the dev's first rodeo and thus I feel it deserves a higher degree of scrutiny, so here it is.

    The game looks pretty, I'll give it that, but that's all it is.

    While the concept sounds interesting, the excruciatingly glacial pacing of the intro makes it hard to stay engaged, and the repeating and repetitious dialogue sucked the remaining interest out for me. It's just a bunch of unnatural-sounding praise which is honestly annoying to begin with but gets unbearable when it's constantly repeated.

    Bottom-line, if you can tolerate the excruciating dialogue or are just one of those people who skip through most of the game, I'm sure you'll probably have a good time, otherwise I'd steer clear.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Holy crap that was boring!
    I applaud you if you can get trough the first day of this game without wearing out your Ctrl button!

    Models are okay, that's about it!
    You thought animations where good in his other games?
    Well tough luck! The animations are super stiff!
    Nothing that you would expect from someone whos been doing VN's for years.

    Absolutely dreadful dialog, that is just circle jerking about how great of a guy you are, with a tiny sprinkle of girls in bikinis.
    Its just word salad with memories of past times and how great of a person everyone is.
    I almost NEVER skip trough dialog in games, i actually like good dialog and slow burners, but this is just boring text that gets you no where.
    Nothing of substance is said what so ever, its just text on text on text about nothing at all!

    If it was not for the "design language" on the models, i would think this was from another developer.
    This need serious rewrites if its ever gonna be enjoyable tbh.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really good! The characters look amazing, and the render quality is top-notch. The dialogue feels natural and keeps you hooked. The adult scenes are nicely animated too, and they fit well with the story. Overall, I’d give it a solid 5/5.