Um, in short, no.
Keep in mind that this is like the third or fourth update. It's really early to expect anything like that. There are some games that are exceptions (like WVM, Fantasy Town, and Triple Ex), but those are rare and typically require a major plot device (like magic or mind control) or existing, very intimate relationships. This is not one of those unusual games.
That is the thing with incest relations though, those very intimate relations already exist for about 18-20 years or longer.

There may just be an incest taboo or the opposite even a kink there that might slow things down a bit or speed them up. Every incest game needs a reason though why the family members want to have sex together and without that it makes no sense if they do, whether it happens quickly after start of game or gets slow burned to eternity.
It is purely a choice by the dev though and not needed in the setup of an incest game to go slow. Often it even makes little sense to go very slow, since then you loose the believability that those chars would ever be willing to break the taboo unless through force, mind control, magic or something like that.

I think the Mom in Milf City was a great example of a Mom with a incest kink having the hots for her son for years but holding back since thinking he was too young and fear of loosing him and going all in as soon as those worries were taken away by MC.