I gave it a shot... but not really feeling it.
- The images overall look good with the remake.... A positive.
- Main character looks like a blowup doll. I know most men love that, but I want it more realistic, personally. You can still have her be a busty teen and not look like that... No teenage girl looks like that.
- The player does not effect the story. You can skip sex scenes or not. The fact that you skipped a sex scene doesn't change anything down the road. Makes the game actually linear.
- No paths. If you try to remain pure, there's no reward with special sex scenes by getting a boyfriend you normally wouldn't get...
- Writing is a problem. I struggled with the corruption in the game. People are just written like caricatures. Corruption is a slow process of making someone more and more accepting of lewdness. I do not think that happens in this game. She just gets sexually harassed by brain dead people over and over. No subtlety.
- Bestiality not a kink I like.
- Future tag incest. Ummm I know people like it, but I think it's dumb 90% of the time. It's hard to write it well. Red flag.
It just doesn't have enough for me. For how old this time is, there is shockingly little in it.
Thank you for trying it, obviously this game isn't your cup of tea. Just a few notes on your post:
First of all, thank you for not leaving a 1, 2 or even 3 star review and posting your comments in the thread instead. This is very much appreciated as this game is still in its early development.
To your points, thank you for not being too harsh on the image quality. I don't have the time to perfect every image, let alone set up the lighting and make it look professional, so I appreciate you seeing that they are good for what they are.
As for the main character looking like a blow up doll...I don't know what kind of blow up dolls you have or have seen, but they look atrocious. I think I get what you're saying, probably more like a sex doll to be exact? If you're curious, yes...that was my intent. To make her look overly sexualized yet innocent and naive. Not going for realism here at all.
The choices in my game aren't really for path play or to have too much of an affect on the game, more so just how she reacts in certain situations. The original intent was to make a path based choice affected game, but after my time constraints and living situation changed, I was forced to make this game more of a linear novel with some reaction choices instead.
As for the writing, my aim was a not-so-serious approach, borderline comedic angle rather than a serious novel. Playing my game with that in mind may of helped you get through it better as the majority of my bad reviews are from those expecting a romance novel with all seriousness and realism, which is far from my aim when making this game.
As for your kinks, you can't please 'em all
Thank you again for not doing a review and posting in the thread, that is a breath of fresh air!