There is nothing to worry about because of two reasons.
First, if you click the about box in the ren'py game you will say I give full credit and copyright to deepsleep and state they should support HIM if they want more content in this game. I even have a Patreon button that links to HIS page. Basically this version gives him extra publicity for free.
Second, if you read this whole thread, which should not take you long since it is only two pages, then you would know I have been in contact with deepsleep on discord and in the future he might even create some extra stuff for scene transitions in my version.
And maybe additionally a third reason, by making my version I reported 4 bugs to him that I found in 0.7. So, by making my game, it also improved his game.
well what i tryed to say, is that thy are a chance , that alots of peoples would prefer renpy over rpgmaker.
and in same way, tend to support more THIS version of the game instead of the rpgmaker one.
like you say, it all goes to the original creator, but i mean, that maybe can be a change for the creator to ( maybe one day, who know ? we'll see ) abandon the rpgmaker verison and join completly the renpy version.
well, i can only talk for myself, but i think most peoples prefer renpy over rpgmaker.
and i just think it can be a problem for the creator to let the rpgmaker and turn completly to the renpy version ( were you can work both together on it ).
that will be a waste of time and effort for all the rpgmaker stuff doing :/
well, just my opinion.
maybe they are more than enougth peoples to like rpgmaker for continu to do it ( thats great ). but , if its not the case...
hope you see what i mean