What? Oh no!
I just read up a bit. That's sad.
When I started playing adult games about a year ago, Another Chance had just come out and I played the little there was and then made a bookmark to check again after a year.
Now I see it once again in Latest Updates and learn that Incest was removed?

Aww man, that sucks!
I don't know when it was removed, but I've never seen it scrubbed so hard from a game. Like, it's obvious that they can only be family members. Besides calling them by their names, which does affect immersion, it's clear. BUT, since there are ZERO relation flags, an Incest patch is hard to do. Basically, you gotta add a bunch of dialogue just to make it clear who each person is in the narrative. However, if you are, unlike me, able to immerse yourself by knowing in your mind that they are related, than you should be fine.
I need occasional reminders to relations or else it doesn't feel real to me. :/
Like, when would you have a relationship with a family member and NOT question it?... Actually, if anyone knows how that works, I don't wanna know... No judgement...