Really like the interactions between characters, it's written very well. However, as in 95% of cases, trying to be a sandbox is doing this a disservice unfortunately. Most of the playtime right now is just clicking through seemingly random scenes hoping an event to popup to progress story or character development further.
A more focused storyline would make this much better, just my opinion though.
Thanks for the review
I chose to do a mix of linear storytelling/sandbox interactions - to have both the group interactions & main narrative through the 'Main Events', and to have individual character development through each 'Character Events'. There are also 'Club Events', designed to increase character interaction.
The main issue comes with the length the game currently is at the time of writing. In order to introduce the main cast of 10, lots of time is spent on introducing these characters rather than having an extended narrative. However, this will change through updates - especially once characters are fully introduced and each character's arcs are set into motion.
There are also hints on each event screen within the menus so that users can figure out what they need to do to progress - I am aware this is a band-aid fix to a larger problem at this time, but am out of ideas of how else to remedy this alongside balancing the individual/group narratives.
All that being said - the game is still in active development, and I'm currently working on the next update as we speak - so if there are any suggestions on improvements, I'm down to hear them