Apocalypse Mutant 2 [v1.0] review
What it is
: Post-apocalyptic-Action-Harem-VN with superpowered hot chicks. And banging. And drugs.
There's a few brain teaser minigames blocking progress. It's got 3 major endings with a dozen or so love interests to choose from. Many hours of amazing content.
3 words:
Holy. Motherfucking. Shitballs!
genius wrote and coded this. That's no lie.
The writing in this game is, save for some spelling errors, maybe the best I've ever seen in the lewd gaming genre. And I don't say this lightly. Go check my other 100 + reviews on here before you go calling me a liar.
It gave me fucking chills man, it's so good. I can't think of another project that just left me speechless like this.

Granted, I'm a
huge sucker for good writing in my lewd games so expect this review to be biased.
Came for a fap, stayed for the laughs and the fucking
In short:
Extremely wholesome and satisfying endings. This is how you fucking go out in style! So few devs understand the value of ending a project on a high note. Mad respect to this dev for delivering a complete start-to-finish package, completely outta nowhere. This project right here is the exact fucking opposite of "milking patreons".
R e s p e c t.
Cocky & funny MC, with goofy and corny tendencies. The hardest style of MC to write and pull off! Delivered to perfection!!! The electrocution scene had me in tears. Amazing stuff!
Interesting & unique love interests with their own thoughts, wants and needs. And they interact with each other, not just the MC! With character development!
There's never a dull moment. This is a 198-layer cake of action, hot sex, drama, comedy, blood and gore in perfect proportions and you never know what the next layer is going to be, just that it's all
fucking delicious!
Sex while tripping balls. 'Nuff said
+ Like a good meal this game leavs a lasting, satisfying feeling deep in my tummy when it's done. Yea make that a cumshot reference if you want, I don't care, I'm still high from second-hand-balls-tripping.
+ And just when you think the game is done, everything has been said and done, everyone is happy and spent, it rolls you over and gently but firmly creampies you three more times, and then kisses you deep and lovingly.
That's how you fuck to leave a lasting impression, man.
Jesus christ.
An actual fucking fully competent screen writer making lewd games! Oh how I've looked for you!
*happy noises*
Ok, so with the dicksucking out of the way, lets talk about where I feel there's room for improvement:
Animations. There's none. There's this quasi-animated slideshow going on but it feels kinda blurry and it's nothing like the real thing.
The lighting could be a lot better. Many scenes are too dark. Dark scenes need a light source close to the action. Flashlight, headlights, a candle, et c. It's definitely possible to deliver a dark grimy atmosphere where everything isn't some shade of
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion style brownish grey.
- Maaaybe just maybe the game sucks its' own dick a little too much with the final "recap". A gallery function is enough, there's noo need to make the entire game a flashback.
So, art: [3.5/5], writing: [12/5], sound: [3.5/5], with my radioactive-gorilla-math that rounds nicely to a [5/5]. Yeah.
Thanks Pent Panda, this was a ride I didn't expect or deserve. You've earned yourself another Patreon.