A few words about the end of the game because some people are having difficulties getting past Kimberly or beat Trumpf and other tidbits. If you can't get past her, you can cheat by opening up the console (shift+o) and typing:my strength cannot reached 16 cuz i finished the mission of G1
exploredhex56third = True
(don't forget the capital T in True)
If you didn't go through the pregnancy route with compound women because you didn't like the idea, and this causes you to lose to President-for-Life Trumpf, you can cheat the number of kids you have by opening the console (shift+o) and typing:
mcchildren = 6
Also, some people have mentioned not all girls appear during the end orgy. Well, it's random actually so it's just based on luck who appears ("Life is like a box of chocolates"...)
BUT, in the equivalent gallery scene, which is now unlocked for the final orgy, each girl will appear in turn, so you can see them all there.
Hope this helps you folks.