As fun as it is, this game really needs a better (working) system to keep track of quests and overall progress. Not to mention that I can't get the MC stats thingy to pop up while I'm in the base, which is like 95% of the time.
I wasted 3 options (uniform, rifle association thingy and shooting) to get into the forward base to grab equipment and then entered as a trumpster the 4th time to bang Ivanka. Afterwards I couldn't find a way to ever enter again and complete the mission that you only get once you banged her. Maybe I missed a warning somewhere along the way but that's... not optimal. I ended up cheating my way in as I couldn't find any legitimate way to progress.
I'm not sure what would happen if you trained marksmanship so high that you can't lose to the bounty hunter anymore, since she apparently can't lose either. Just an endless loop of meeting her every single time you go outside?
I also ended up having quite a bit of side content (mainly stripteases and such) left after the dev insisted that surely I must have seen everything after 8 weeks. Just to rub it in I promptly received another White House message the Monday after the game was supposedly over.
So yeah, good stuff if you're into insane proportions and deliberately ridiculous porn talk, but a tad more polishing might help.
I agree that a quest tracker, along with a show items in storage thingie, would be a thing this game needs.
However to see the MC stats and Love (Heart) status on the girls, just enter a conversation with someone and you can click in upper left corner for it to pop up. Not optimal I know, but it works.
Battle is explained in the change-log on OP, skill helps but a roll of 1 is always a failure. Scroll wheel to try for another result, or save before the battle and reload.
Sometimes You have to loose to see the good stuff, which is why I suspect Tim put in the automatic fail on a 1 roll
The after 8 weeks message is to indicate what time-spand the present contend is "supposed" to take, you can always prolong it when the message pops up, by claiming to not mind the grind.
It's also where the Dev shows us he would like more patrons and gives a link on how to become one

It used to be after 6 weeks message, but was expanded to 8.. I suspect it will be expanded further in the future