A "real porn" game with multiple paywalls, shit quality of visuals and terrible repetition and graphics.
I really wanted to like this, but it's just bad.
Story 5/10
It's a fallout story that is terribly executed. They even let you make a meaningless choice when the bombs drop. It's just bland.
Gameplay 3/10
Typical HTML clickfest done terribly. The food mechanic isn't a bad idea, but the way it's implemented is. The slavery system is a joke, a bad one.
Some of the random events that still use up your energy are paywalled (in a game with real porn, the guy is begging for a copyright nightmare).
Art/Render 0/10
Real porn with terrible quality, random gifs that aren't connected to the characters in any way (You enslave a black girls and half the gifs I get are of white/asian women), most of these gifs are ancient, these pornstars are currently 70.Overall dogshit, you can get better (A LOT BETTER) by browsing /gif
Amount of Content 5/10
This guy put a 1 sec loop gif everytime the character sleeps, too bad the quality is dogshit.
I really wanted to like this, but it's just bad.
Story 5/10
It's a fallout story that is terribly executed. They even let you make a meaningless choice when the bombs drop. It's just bland.
Gameplay 3/10
Typical HTML clickfest done terribly. The food mechanic isn't a bad idea, but the way it's implemented is. The slavery system is a joke, a bad one.
Some of the random events that still use up your energy are paywalled (in a game with real porn, the guy is begging for a copyright nightmare).
Art/Render 0/10
Real porn with terrible quality, random gifs that aren't connected to the characters in any way (You enslave a black girls and half the gifs I get are of white/asian women), most of these gifs are ancient, these pornstars are currently 70.Overall dogshit, you can get better (A LOT BETTER) by browsing /gif
Amount of Content 5/10
This guy put a 1 sec loop gif everytime the character sleeps, too bad the quality is dogshit.