What? You want Phat's unofficial guide to who's available to fuck MC when and where? Hahaha

Already gave you Julia's daily sex schedule above... Up to four times per day with Amelia the vampire hottie/vampire hunter at her home down in the bottom right corner of the map, morning in her bed when you catch her touching herself, then join her in the bathroom, then in her shop/gym room up to two more times bending her over the work bench... I seem to remember a fifth scene at the weight bench too but I haven't tripped that one in a while. MC's cousin, Olivia, with a bribe after her dance set at the bar. Aunt Emma at the breakfast table with possibly the world's creepiest hand job, Judy for free in the evening at her home and for pay in the alley at night, Emilia for pay after 7PM at Judy's place, Martha in the bathroom after showering or Alicia after shower depending you your personality score... Then there's all of the peeping on Lucy in her bedroom, and in the shower, oral sex in the bathroom and her giving MC a "leg job?" on the the couch... IDK what to call that last one really... Maybe it's called a wtf? job... as in, "what the fuck, it feels good... I'm coming!" Hahaha

Those are most of the repeatable scenes... just off the top of my head... sure I forgot something, somewhere...
IDK who you mean by ex vampire wife but there are some creepy shenanigans going on still at Aunt Emma's place with that ghost girl who hung herself... Checked it out for a bit and decided it was not worth dealing with the ghost and went home to Julia or over to see Amelia instead.
Maybe someone else can remember the rest. I can't think of any more scenes you can repeat...
Peace out, Phat

PS: Your comment about making the werewolf puppy your bitch reminded me that I still haven't tried with some of these women with a low personality score. I've been shot down by several but I bet a change of alignment could open some minds... and, legs! We shall have to give that a try... Arooo! Things might just get wolfy!!!