RPGM Completed Arousing Sexual Stories: Risu's Initial Mission [v1.0.0] [Complete] [TheCardWielder]

4.00 star(s) 4 Votes
Nov 17, 2017
Hello everyone, sorry I've not been active for a while on here, was busy sorting out some IRL stuff alongside working on the next update for the game, but now we're here! :D
With this update I've started to properly develop the Ruins area of the game, starting with the West Wing. Within here you should be able to encounter five new enemies as well as a few bonus lewd animations as part of puzzles~
I know there doesn't seem to be much to this update in terms of new maps, but I was mainly focusing on making sure everything was good in terms of the enemies and animations, so that work on the other two wings and then the locked room connected to the main entrance hall should go by easier and quicker for me from now on. :)
May 18, 2020
Hello everyone, sorry I've not been active for a while on here, was busy sorting out some IRL stuff alongside working on the next update for the game, but now we're here! :D
With this update I've started to properly develop the Ruins area of the game, starting with the West Wing. Within here you should be able to encounter five new enemies as well as a few bonus lewd animations as part of puzzles~
I know there doesn't seem to be much to this update in terms of new maps, but I was mainly focusing on making sure everything was good in terms of the enemies and animations, so that work on the other two wings and then the locked room connected to the main entrance hall should go by easier and quicker for me from now on. :)
Oh hell yeah there's an update, I was worried this was dead! Nice work mate, looking forward to this and maybe more in the future, keep it up!
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Nov 17, 2017
Oh hell yeah there's an update, I was worried this was dead! Nice work mate, looking forward to this and maybe more in the future, keep it up!
Sorry to worry you and anyone else that thought this was dead, just been busy with things IRL that pulled me away from my PC :(
I'm hoping to be able to focus once again on ASS:RIM now that said IRL things have been sorted for the time being! :D
Nov 17, 2017
Hello again everyone!
The last couple of days I've been working on tweaking the difficulty of ASS:RIM, mainly to try to push it more inline with how I feel Normal difficulty should play for the game, but also to make Easy, well, easier. :p
As such this update focuses on that and the main ways I've made Normal a bit more of a challenge (as it was rather easy before I think) is by changing up the bonuses certain gems give to stats. Namely, the Red, Blue, Orange & Purple gems have all had their stat bonuses halved so they don't give such a huge boost super early to the player. I have also tweaked the stats a bit about some of the enemies in the game so they utilise all of the points they have a bit better, as some of them had points in stats they didn't use. :)
As for Easy difficulty, I have figured out a way to remove some of the enemy encounters on the maps based on the difficulty, so Easy now has less enemies for you to encounter while exploring! :D
I have not tested these changes on Hard difficulty, but I do think that should still be as much of a challenge as people would expect it to be, but as with all updates I look forward to hearing feedback about these changes. :)
Nov 17, 2017
Just posted the public update for ASS:RIM 0.2.9!
This update introduces the two remaining wings of the Ruins area that were not available in previous updates. These two wings include some more lewd animations and puzzles for you all to enjoy! :D
I have also done some changes to how Melee Defense and Ranged Defense work within the game. These two stats now also provided a flat percentage of damage reduction after calculating the damage of an attack. This change effects both Risu and the enemies in the game, but hopefully should make it that damage doesn't get too high too quickly, as well as making it so that buffing Defense is more worthwhile. One other change related to this is that Risu's Romantic Remedy and Passionate Potential skills now also provide a buff called Devoted Defense, which grants a further damage mitigation buff.
I do hope you all enjoy this update, I hope to complete the Ruins content soon with the final map and the boss of this area. Then I can work on the final area of the game~ ;)


Apr 20, 2018
Nice update, really like the new animations you worked on !
Can't wait to see the next update.
To give an answer to the change you made on melee/Ranged defense, I'd the feeling that Risu became less resistant than before, or maybe it's just an illusion from myself, the mimic can kill her in 4 attack for exemple. But maybe I better need to optimize my gems than before.

Keep the good work ! :cool:
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Nov 17, 2017
Nice update, really like the new animations you worked on !
Can't wait to see the next update.
To give an answer to the change you made on melee/Ranged defense, I'd the feeling that Risu became less resistant than before, or maybe it's just an illusion from myself, the mimic can kill her in 4 attack for exemple. But maybe I better need to optimize my gems than before.

Keep the good work ! :cool:
I'm glad to hear you like the new animations! :D
Interesting to hear the new defense changed made her feel less resistant, since there shouldn't have been anything that made Risu take more damage in this update, only less! :O
Nov 17, 2017
Hello everyone! :D
Today I bring a new update to ASS:RIM which finishes up the Ruins area of the game, as well as fixes some bugs that were in the game, including one that has been in the game since release. :p
First of all though, you can now clear the entire Ruins area of the game which means I have finished two thirds of the game, just one more area to go now and I hope you all enjoy what I have planned for that area! ;)
This update comes with a fix to an issue with the Lust system in the game where the natural Lust recovery in battle wasn't functioning at all, so now you should notice that your Lust is naturally recovering between turns in battles.
I have also tweaked how Risu's Thrilling Tentacles skill works so it's now more of a High Risk High Reward style move, as before it was very much just a extremely powerful move to use in combat!



Jul 14, 2018
I really enjoyed the 2nd act's animations, I am a sucker for bondage stuff so naturally it was all up my alley. The boss's animation was *chef's kiss*. My only issue so far with the game is the amount of enemies, and the rule of respawning enemies. After a while, it becomes really tedious getting through areas, namely the first act, with just the sheer amount of enemies in every room and hallway.
They also all respawn after interacting with the tunnels or the slime door puzzles, invalidating the point of full-clearing the areas. I can understand if they were to respawn on returns from the teleporter, but otherwise it just makes the 1st act a slog to get through.
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Nov 17, 2017
I really enjoyed the 2nd act's animations, I am a sucker for bondage stuff so naturally it was all up my alley. The boss's animation was *chef's kiss*. My only issue so far with the game is the amount of enemies, and the rule of respawning enemies. After a while, it becomes really tedious getting through areas, namely the first act, with just the sheer amount of enemies in every room and hallway.
They also all respawn after interacting with the tunnels or the slime door puzzles, invalidating the point of full-clearing the areas. I can understand if they were to respawn on returns from the teleporter, but otherwise it just makes the 1st act a slog to get through.
Thank you for your feedback on this, ZithL! :)
I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the Ruins animations, I certainly had a lot of fun designing and creating them! :D

You're not the only person to mention their annoyance with how the enemies respawn, I may need to think of a way that I can have it so they only respawn when you properly leave the current map, instead of also happening whenever you interact with a puzzle or one of the tunnels. Something for me to probably work out for future games, unless I can come up with a solution that I can easily work into the current game.
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Reactions: ZithL
Nov 17, 2017
Hello again everyone, so it has been so long between now and the last update! :(
Been busy both with the new game content as well as some things in real life, but now I'm back and hoping to get back to working on ASS:RIM more often now!
This update is a bit of a big one in terms of new content, we finally start venturing into the third and final area of the game, the Forest. This area has some more enemies for you to encounter as well as some more lewd scenarios for you to enjoy~
As well as that, I've updated the spawning system for enemies so that now they won't respawn whenever you attempt certain puzzles or whenever you visit the relaxation room! I also went over how much some enemy attacks would increase Risu's lust so that they are more random in value. This is a it of a test for some changes to how lust attacks may be done in future games, so look forward to that if I can get that idea working~
Other than those, the boss music for the game has finally been added, meaning we now have the full original soundtrack for the game completed! It was wonderful to work with the two music artists that helped to bring ASS:RIM to life with their amazing skills!~
There has also been a few bug and graphical fixes here and there throughout the game, mainly of ones that some how slipped past me in previous areas of the game.

I hope you all enjoy this update and look forward to seeing what else I have planned for the Forest area! :D
Nov 17, 2017
Good stuff, i love the focus on anal. Solid animations. Looking forward to more.
Thank you for the kind words, I've got a lot of fun stuff planned for the next update for this game, hoping to get that out soon but also searching for a new house IRL at the moment, which may slow down progress a bit :(
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Nov 17, 2017
Updated ASS:RIM to version 0.5.0
This update should be the second to last major update before the game is finished and this one includes a fair few new maps within the Forest area for people to enjoy! Also added some new animations with the Forest Dryad enemies that are used for within the new story sections of this update. <3
One other thing that I did for this update was improve one of the stuck in wall animations within the Ruins area as I wasn't 100% satisfied with how it looked, but now I think it looks way better!~ ;)
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Nov 17, 2017
Save for the latest version. The slime duo boss is included (although there is no new content regarding the slime boss duo since its the area 1 boss but two of them)
Sorry that there's no new animation for the UwU slime fight in the forest area, but I certainly hope you enjoyed the new animations that are in this update! :D
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4.00 star(s) 4 Votes