Yes but after I saved it and went to act 2 it is not there
There are several end of game opportunities in Act one. Those are the end of the game for you based on those choices you made. The screen will even advise you to return to make other choices. I reached the game ending to become an elite mage and wondered why my save did not show in Act two. But, once I realized that screen was game over, not end of act, I replayed, made a different choice and then ultimately reached the end of Act one, saved there and I'm now in act two ready to play the latest update... probably later today... Below are the actual end of act one screens you are seeking to end the act rather than the whole game...
Once you name your save on the screen shown above, exit act one and open act two, remember to start a new game save for act two, your act one save is NOT in the saved game section, you will see it in Act two when you start a new game session in Act two. It looks like this...
You get the above screen and opportunity to begin from your Act one ending save by selection START, not load... Your load screen is where all of your new Act two saves will reside and it looks like this...
As long as you are reaching the Act one ending and making your end of act save there, you will see it when you start again in Act two. I hope this helps you, my friend.

Adventure ever on, Phat