
Formerly Known as GeekBone
Jan 13, 2018
What would be nice is if the Dev explained what will change from the original and if it affects the endings at all
There will probably not be too many changes. It looks like the dev is trying to get it on Steam so they have to add things like achievements to get it to meet minimum standards. I would not expect a major revamp here, just some improvements here or there.

It is the latest trend with devs to post their games on Steam, and while I might not think this one is amazing, it did take an whole crap ton of work to produce it and it is completed. How many AVNs out there can say that? IMO the dev has earned the right to do whatever they want with it and if they can make a few more dollars with Steam, then great. Maybe it will encourage them to start another.

Game Developer
Apr 27, 2018
Damn, my eyes hurt from all ther reading. I don't understand some of the comments. I've been saying that I was going to do this for months now. And I even asked you (yes you guys from f95 that play this for free) what would you like to see in the game so I could evaluate and maybe add it.
I know that you don't have to read 30 pages to the past to comment now, but sometimes you should.

Some people told me to just stop coming here and stop sharing the game for free, but that's not who I am, and there are still plenty of nice people in here :)

So I'll adress some of you now, sorry to group you all together but there's a lot and I have work to do and little time and it probably answers some future questions, or maybe I'll have to answer them again and again and... You know the drill.

thousands of games have the player's character get killed, blown up, eaten, ripped to pieces, etc. Steam has no problem with that at all.
Lust calls MC dad, and interacts with him sexually... and it is implied she is actually MCs 'daughter'...
its metaphysical but steam is steam and Kthulian didn't throw a giant booze and drug fueled party with barely legal models in attendandance for the Steam folks to enjoy, so they aren't predisposed to ignore things they usually entirely ignore.
It appears that murder and torture and other crimes are perfectly fine in games, movies etc... But when there's sex and nudity, OH MY GOD!!! :LOL:

Not true, for example, Chasing Sunsets has multiple flashbacks as them as kids (8 years old), and that game is on Steam no problems. There are other examples of games with "kids" that are on Steam.

It sounds like you are just unlucky with your Steam reviewer.

I guess you can still push it to GOG and (which is free). Or do what some developers do, rename the game and resubmit it :whistle:
Thank you dude, I'll consider all options :)

If this is a "Remake" are there any plans to add Animations this time?

I was interested in the original version but I struggle to keep playing games that don't have animations
Yes, there are animations, it was one of the most asked things to add for the past months and I added them, and will add more.

Honestly this game could use a remake. I played both the first and second one, they were super fun, cool story and great background to tell it. But rough around the edges, some characters felt like they did not get as much time as they deserved, hoping this remake addresses that, also not sure how Dev feels about it in this remake but i loved the game over/bad endings in the previous game, it provided a challenge and also had actual consequences to some of your actions, so hoping that also sticks around this time as well.

Good luck dev, looking forward to seeing more this was a great demo so far.
Thank you, that's exactly the point of the remake.

I started theis game in 2018, my PC could barely handle two characters on screen at the same time, that's why a lot of Act I has very weird images, mostly because they are layered over each other over a background image. Besides that, my experience was, let's call it, non existant xD

Now I plan to polish in particular the outdated graphics, add animations and add some extra content like more quests, endings etc etc to teh rest of the game, which were other of the most asked things to addin the past months, oh and a gallery, that is already there.

it took 6 years to finish this, add 2+2... how long are you willing to wait to play the same thing but slightly better looking?
If everything goes according to plan I hope to have it remade this year, not promises though.

At least he did it after finishing the game, wich in my mind is a great thing to do. To many devs do this halfway and it becomes a milking thing. Now that incentive is not here because the story itself is already done.
Thank you. Yes, I had the idea to remake at least Act I but I wanted to finish the game before I started that, I don't like when developers start a remake of a game that's halfway so I wouldn't feel fine doing the same.

This is clearly false information seeing as both sisterly lust and man of the house are still on steam. would be interesting to know exactly what the issue is
You and me both, but I got no info on why, just that it is. luckily (or not) I had the demo on a separate page, so the main page was not affected. I don't know if they missed it or not but as I'm writing this, the main page is still up.

Sorry to hear your demo got turned down at steam. For someone who owns hundreds of VN's on steam, it really is a crap shoot on whether the game gets accepted or not. Incest isn't a problem at all so if I had to guess the denial could be due to the flashback scenes from the younger Mida (even without any sexual content) as was mentioned in a previous post. Also, I don't know who you got as your reviewer but if it was Mary, she would have banned your game without even looking at it.

I do have a recommendation about the main game page however. Knowing how much steam can help your revenue, if you wish to keep the flashback scenes in the game you can, if you supply an outside patch which steam can't do anything about. It can be a pain in the ass but just submit the game with anything and everything that you think could be a grey area removed from the game and submit it. Then anyone who buys the game can go to lewdpatcher or here on f95 or whatever and patch that stuff back in. Problem solved.
Thank you.
It was not Mary, but the name sounds like it was a woman, or maybe an attacking chopper :ROFLMAO:

I'll think about what to do for steam, for now I just need a bit of time to get my plans straight.

Eh. I´d prefer a sequel or a completely different game tbh, but that´s just my opinion.

Just not a fan of remakes.
And you are free to speak your mind, I already have a new game built inside my head. Sooner than later it will be under construction.

Let's gooooo!!!:ROFLMAO:

I really enjoyed the original, so perfectly fine with the remake being the "same".

However, if I had one wish, one ending that I would change/add...
Full harem where MC (good) ends up with all the girls and his offspring, as heirs to the "throne" of every nation, rule the world...:ROFLMAO:
It was really, really tough having to choose between Mida, Ryo, and the elf princess whose name escapes me at the moment.

I did enjoy each of the paths and endings, played them all.
And while I certainly appreciate having to make a "choice" (one way or another), I mean dang, as the most "powerful" being in existence, I should be able to have an ending that includes them all, right???:ROFLMAO:
Mida would absolutely be ok with it. Elf princess seemed like she'd be down. And Ryo certainly didn't seem completely against it and I'm certain Mida would get her on board...
Soooooo...why not?:ROFLMAO:

Curious or not (Harem ending) was another of the most asked things in the past months, I wonder why...:sneaky: And yes, there will be more endings added to the current 14(+variants) and a (tower harem) is one of them.

So is this a full game remake or just Act 1/small part in the beginning?

I don't mind waiting a couple years to play if the remake will be new and improved, though the original product seemed fine to me last I played (granted that was a few years ago)
I think the explanation I gave above will suffice. It's mostly to "modernize" old looking graphics and add animations and extra stuff to the full game, and it should be done this year... I hope..

You know what? I'm actually okay with this because at least they actually finished the original game before remaking it.
Thank you, that was exactly the point.

the 1st one lost me at all the fighting... lets just say i win.. cn you make a bypass this time
It's so they can publish to Steam.

Yet another dev thinks their AVN is Steam worthy just because a few pervs like their game. But hey... if they can make a few dollars, more power to them.
If I could make a living while doing what I love, why wouldn't I try to? Life is try and fail, and you only know if you are successful or a failure if you try. If you don't even try you already failed. ;)

My first impression of the prologue (long after playing the original Act I) is that this is not so much a remake as a technical overhaul and port to a newer Ren'Py version. Although I did not check whether all the images are still the old ones. The main difference seems to be that the game is now translated to Spanish and Portuguese and that it can be played in one of three game modes: full RPG, visual novel, or a compromise between the two.

The 'prologue' starts at the beginning of the old Act I and goes much further than I expected. I wonder if this is actually already the complete 'remake' of Act I, not a prologue to it. If so, then this 'remake' may be finished much faster than many of the previous comments assume.
This is just the starting tip of the remaster. But yes, it should be much faster, specially once I reach Act II that will mostly need the animations add... And a couple of the things I mentioned above.

i would actually buy this one one on steam, its just too bad they have to change it...
That's why you are beautiful :LOL:

and still not animated... the worst part of all
Except that it is... Did you try it before you commented?

So why is this game being remade? legit curious, as it was pretty good as-is. I see no real need for a remake.
I think previous answers answer this one as well? If not let me know and I'll answer you.

Well, offering new endings or different path for the remake will be nice. Else not worth playing it again
I'm good with a remake with new content as long as the original game was completed.

Adding those What IF scenarios would be fun. Dev should expand on the endings which i feel sometimes a bit short
There will be extra "quests" and extra endings yes. ;)

The whole Game was finished/completed, there was no Act III it would be more accurate to consider the split to be "Part 1 and Part 2" so don't worry about it from "You're scrapping all the progress and restarting from scratch" angle, the links for the finished game are still on the main page of the thread
Yup, the "full game" is still here for anyone who wants it. I don't understand why are people mad that I'm doing something that I've been saying for months that I would be doing. Also I'm adding / changing stuff that people asked for, as long as I agree with them, is it not the right path to take? Take feedback and improve?

Kthulian, this was one of the first first games I tried on f95 which I wound up loving. I haven't had time in about year to catch up with it but the Original ACT 1 was great and I look forward to what you do with the remake.

That said I wonder if you had made a new thread if we'd have less salt pouring in. Two many people are two used to devs of the treads they are follow to "remake" a game when bad writing wrote them into a corner or they flat out ran out of ideas that I think several of the people complaining here don't even know you finished the game.

I will second one of the posts from earlier a plural relationship without having to choose which woman if on a good playthrough at the end would be awesome.
Thank you. I only started the remake after I gave the game 14 endings + variations. Precisely for people to be able to start and finish the game. And not suffer from halfway remake.

Don't worry, I have a couple of ideas for endings that may fit that description :p

I didn't see all the endings but I got the ones I wanted. I was satisfied in the end with the game as it was although I did think that there were some missed opportunities at times. I am interested enough to check out the remake although I am not quite sure why it needs one. I found the world that was built interesting enough to revisit.
Just to polish some stuff and add some of the most asked stuff to the game. Thank you :)

pointless....curse of remake hit again, but at least this dev do it in the right way...when game was completed and not after some releases....but i hope in a new game or a continuation of some sort
you get it

Didn't feel like Ataegina needed a remake personally, even though act 1 was more dated than act 2 in various aspects. Still, I'm in.
That's exactly the main point of it, "modernize" ;)

LMAO in every thread when the dev decides to do a remake people cry and say "why didn't he finish the game first and then do a remake?". This dev decides to do a remake after finishing the game and people still bitch about it.
Life is life... Na na na na na :ROFLMAO:

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a developer finishing their game and then polishing it up for Steam. I am not sure that the current prologue / Act I / demo can really be called a remake, as it seems to be more like a remaster and technology update. But I guess Act II is what really motivates the developer, and it's what they intend to sell on Steam. So it will probably be an actual remake.

Yes, it's frustrating when we wait for a developer to finish a game or to start a new one, and then they work on a remake instead -- sometimes making a perfectly fine unfinished game worse. But developers only create what they are motivated for, and if the only thing they have motivation for (intrinsic or monetary; in this case probably both) is a remake, then there are only two options: 1) we get a remake and hopefully some new content for this game or another in the future, 2) we get nothing at all and the developer concentrates on a different aspect of their life. I definitely prefer a remake in such cases, and I hate it when random trolls try to bully the developer into doing something else. It's rude, and the only thing it is likely to achieve is that the developer gives up completely.
Yeah maybe remaster is a better description to what I plan to do. But previous answer should answer this... Sort of?

There will probably not be too many changes. It looks like the dev is trying to get it on Steam so they have to add things like achievements to get it to meet minimum standards. I would not expect a major revamp here, just some improvements here or there.

It is the latest trend with devs to post their games on Steam, and while I might not think this one is amazing, it did take an whole crap ton of work to produce it and it is completed. How many AVNs out there can say that? IMO the dev has earned the right to do whatever they want with it and if they can make a few more dollars with Steam, then great. Maybe it will encourage them to start another.
Mostly graphical improvements, plus animations and some other stuff people have been asking to be added.


Adding the game on Steam could be a way to do this for a living, and yes, I need money to live (Shocker I know :eek:), that way I would have more time to make games and learn how to do better things instead of going to work everyday and spend most of my hours doing said job.
If it fails, I'll just keep doing games but they will never be a priority because I have a family that I need to take care of, and that's fine too. I like what I do either way.

Cheers all!! Let me know if you have more questions / complains :ROFLMAO:

PS: BTW who found the secret gallery? And the secret choice near the start?
Last edited:


Active Member
Jun 7, 2017
I think previous answers answer this one as well? If not let me know and I'll answer you.
From what I understood it was primarily that Steam rejected it for some scenes?
If so I recommend what another poster you quoted mentioned, make a version that Steam will be ok with and have "Mr.anonymous fan" post elsewhere a patch for Steam players to get the scenes. Problem solved.

I do see that you intend to expand the game with new quests and endings, but can't that be latched onto the current game?

Like I said, your game is pretty good and I am a fan, so whatever you do I support you. I am just suggesting alternative routes :).

Also, thanks for replying to everyone. A lot of the devs don't do that :).

PS: Definitely hope the game makes it to Steam and succeeds big there :).
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 1, 2017
a remake huh.... so is there anything new content wise? or is it just the renders being updated?
I have noticed some differences. The dialogue is changed somewhat with better translations in certain places. A few of the characters seem to have had some of the rough edges of their personality sanded off. Some renders are improved and animations have been added. The UI seems to be upgraded as well, with the love/corruption mechanic explained better. There are also options to play it more as a VN and skip the map and combat elements. The plot/story does not seem any different so far, though.
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New Member
Dec 19, 2024
Yes, there are animations, it was one of the most asked things to add for the past months and I added them, and will add more.
Sorry if this has been mentioned or asked many times, I actually don't follow anyone specific and I only use the website every few weeks as there are not a lot of games that I like that get updated frequently enough so I usually wait for a build up on content. Thanks for the answer though
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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2024
Sorry if this has been mentioned or asked many times, I actually don't follow anyone specific and I only use the website every few weeks as there are not a lot of games that I like that get updated frequently enough so I usually wait for a build up on content. Thanks for the answer though
you could play the original version while you wait for the remake. absolutely worth it if you don't mind the dated graphics :)
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Active Member
Mar 23, 2019
Instead of making a remake, take the time to make Ataegina 2
Because he's trying to sell it to steam. The only reason they are remaking it is because steam rejected it. So he's trying to edit it a bit and try again. Honsestly I don't really even see how you can make ataegina 2 just like I don't get the people asking for act 3. The end of act 2 closed all the lose ends and whatever threat that could pop up would be minor at this point and easily dealt with. Aside from adding in some new endings I don't really see what else they can do ith the setting other than having a new protagonist and new characters.


May 14, 2018
Because he's trying to sell it to steam. The only reason they are remaking it is because steam rejected it. So he's trying to edit it a bit and try again. Honsestly I don't really even see how you can make ataegina 2 just like I don't get the people asking for act 3. The end of act 2 closed all the lose ends and whatever threat that could pop up would be minor at this point and easily dealt with. Aside from adding in some new endings I don't really see what else they can do ith the setting other than having a new protagonist and new characters.
maybe make like pre-game, from the last incarnation perspective.
because is not much saying from the past.
For example how he build castle or how he get so many books, and stories that have. To create the castle and so many things inside has to be job of many generations in the end. Because someone build the thing is impresive and fill it with those amazing thing i believe is job for more then 1. Create "the giant Golem-Robot" i believe some incarnation who dosent build the castle make it.
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Sep 13, 2021
Adding the game on Steam could be a way to do this for a living, and yes, I need money to live (Shocker I know :eek:), that way I would have more time to make games and learn how to do better things instead of going to work everyday and spend most of my hours doing said job.
If it fails, I'll just keep doing games but they will never be a priority because I have a family that I need to take care of, and that's fine too. I like what I do either way.
I'm not sure about 'posting once in 6 years' business model for Steam.
It's fine right now because you already have the finished game. But for the future I think it's better to break the game into 'chapters' - narratively cohesive, but still smaller. Like God of War, that tells the story over several games.

If you really don't have enough income from the patreon-like stuff, then it's better to look at the japanies-style business model. Relatively small, but narratively cohesive - with 'beginning' and the 'ending' - with a lot of releases for the same story.
...Or like any TV-series, now that I think about it.
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May 28, 2021
Played the OG version so I will be curious and looking forward to see how the Dev will do this and see what content will change (if any) but we will have to see.
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May 24, 2024
Guys, in a thread in which the developer is very active, why not just read what they wrote before asking old questions?

The developer wrote above: "Yeah maybe remaster is a better description to what I plan to do."

Every superfluous comment makes it harder for future participants to see that their questions have already been answered. I can understand how this happens when the answer was several pages back, but not while it's still on the same page!


Apr 18, 2021
View attachment 317941


In a world filled with magic and riddled with war, you find yourself playing an important role. A life of spellcraft, politics and intrigue awaits you. Will you use your powers to unify the land and its people? Or shall you use them for your own personal gain and amusement, no matter the cost?
Thread Updated: 2025-02-11
Release Date: 2025-02-10
Developer: Kthulian - - - - - -
Censorship: No
Version: Prologue Act I
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English
Other Games:
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Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
Why are you remaking? i'k kinda lost. seemed like act II was done and act III would be nest, not a start over.
what'd be point to act3? mc has become god and spends eternity with goddess or chose to become ultimate evil or married 1 of his lis or stays with ayna or bredita and fucks them or became mortal man by giving up his powers.

... wait .. the game was finished?!
Ok, I'm kinda baffled at this. I didn't keep up with it that closely, but I DID play every other odd version, like every half year or so, and at least from what I remember, the story didn't feel so much 'finished' as maybe halfway done? Did he just rush the endings that much, or am I having a minor case of serious brain damage?
mostly latter but actually remake of act1.


Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2016
From what I understood it was primarily that Steam rejected it for some scenes?
If so I recommend what another poster you quoted mentioned, make a version that Steam will be ok with and have "Mr.anonymous fan" post elsewhere a patch for Steam players to get the scenes. Problem solved.

I do see that you intend to expand the game with new quests and endings, but can't that be latched onto the current game?

Like I said, your game is pretty good and I am a fan, so whatever you do I support you. I am just suggesting alternative routes :).

Also, thanks for replying to everyone. A lot of the devs don't do that :).

PS: Definitely hope the game makes it to Steam and succeeds big there :).
Steam usually only rejects anything that appears underage, i.e. no high schools, no under developed characters, etc. Not sure how they work with things like sleep assault, coercion, drugs, etc, but know for sure that the underage thing will never get a game on Steam.
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Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
Steam usually only rejects anything that appears underage, i.e. no high schools, no under developed characters, etc. Not sure how they work with things like sleep assault, coercion, drugs, etc, but know for sure that the underage thing will never get a game on Steam.
patreon is supposedly against sleep sex (per 1 dev), coercion should be fine as long as it's mild, drugs mostt likely.
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