Jack's Lantern

New Member
Dec 17, 2023
I'm working on renders pretty much every day. I am starting to feel a little burnt out though
I think the feeling of burnout makes sense. As I said elsewhere, much though I regret it, I don't think you can top this. You can probably improve the renders, but it's not a very rewarding task (for you at least ;))

You've created a masterpiece. I doubt anyone who's played it will ever forget it. You're a magnificent pervert and obviously quite talented. If you want my advice, find a good place to call it good enough, let it rest on its shit-stained laurels, and start with something new -- perhaps something more focused that you can develop more in depth.



Active Member
Mar 10, 2018
I think the feeling of burnout makes sense. As I said elsewhere, much though I regret it, I don't think you can top this. You can probably improve the renders, but it's not a very rewarding task (for you at least ;))

You've created a masterpiece. I doubt anyone who's played it will ever forget it. You're a magnificent pervert and obviously quite talented. If you want my advice, find a good place to call it good enough, let it rest on its shit-stained laurels, and start with something new -- perhaps something more focused that you can develop more in depth.


This, but not before you give us a scene gallery!


New Member
Jul 11, 2017
Not abandoning it! I'm working on renders pretty much every day. I am starting to feel a little burnt out though
Maybe get someone to do the renders for you. This way you can focus on the stuff you enjoy. There is a myriad of 3D-Artists out there vying for commissions. Also on this forum work is being offered.
Apr 7, 2019
Though in all seriousness, the Discord link is at the top of the first page of this thread. There's also a different Discord link for those who support on SubscribeStar, though I believe it only marks one as a contributor on the Discord channel. It seems like a nice Discord community and certainly the developer has always interacted with an exceedingly pleasant manner, both here and on Discord.


Aug 26, 2018

Since there are several scenes in the game, where we are told that content is missing, or the render quality really sucks due to the fact, the machine performing the renders isn't capable doing so on complex scenes.
Here is how you render demanding scenes using a potato:

  • assemble your scene, get the lighting done, etc.
  • remove/hide everything that is not scene background/environment
  • render the empty background and save it
  • then hide the background and add your characters, objects of interest, can be in multiple groups too
  • have a look where shadows need to be casted in the environment and add simple, very low res placeholder objects as shadow catcher when needed, like planes, cubes, you get it
  • render the scene to a transparent background and save the layer
  • continue for as much object groups you need to handle the complete scene content
  • when done, fire up photoshop krita or whatever is your cup of of tea and add the rendered layers back to front, save the final image
  • while at it, a bit of postprocessing doesn't hurt either, like for all renders to make them really pop, like color grading vignetting etc.
I'm quite puzzled that rendering in layers is such a foreign thing for newbie devs, I mean there is no way you don't stumble upon it, when researching your 3D stuff... Pretty much no semi pro, pro or even somewhat experienced user hits render and is done, quite the opposite, layer rendering is done on purpose to be able to modify your renders after the fact, eg. background looks not as expected, objects of interest are fine - great just work on the background layer instead of rendering the stuff over and over again, nobody got time for that. And rendering huge complex scenes in one go is pretty much off limits to everyone, even with pro hardware. Heck, even with a render farm at hand you don't do single pass renders, apart from LQ previews.
Well and no one proud of their works releases renders as is, you can bet that every good looking render is post processed to get out that nice, crisp, atmospheric image - looking nothing like that straight from the rendering pass.


Dec 1, 2017
I keep going back and forth on that. Some days I feel less is more. I am also worried that people will miss it completely if it's too small.
Basement scenes was too much for me and broke suspension of disbelief to take the game seriously. Rubber bodies, oversized characters without rendered background, no plot development...
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