Others - Completed - Aurelia [v1.0.1] [Mirthal]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Stunning pixel art, fun and compelling dialogs and situations, interesting plot, stories and characters. Aurelia also proposes some good quality minigames (one where you are a bartender and have to serve customers, drag-and-dropping liquors, one where you shoot arrows to static targets, a light tower defense, even a Sokoban-like and of course some very old school dungeon).
    TL;DR: If you did not already, you should play Aurelia.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game kind of those rare games that making you feel good when you remember it. I like how well made main storyline and all girls storyline. +1 point for achievemants and minigames. Spicy animations. May God bless the creator. :4Head:
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A game that you don't see often. Quality at all levels : graphics, character, mini-games, story, everything is way above the vaste majority of sex games.
    Hopes it will continu to be upgraded regulary.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4053379

    godlike animation, great amount of content, cool puzzle point and click game! one of the first games i ever played from this site and still one of the best, it set the bar so high a lot of other games cant compare.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    You can get a little lost from time to time but the game is excellent with its story telling and hidden intractability with the world itself. Overall for a old-school style game its really good with beautiful art.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    absolutely phenomenal animation let down by poor performance both on PC and android. can be a little obtuse at times, too, but i guess that's in keeping with the point-and-click adventure games it takes inspiration from.

    would recommend you just download a completed save and use the scene viewer.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.24.2

    Don't go into Aurelia expecting something akin to an AVN with an in depth story and characters, but instead as a fun and lewd sandbox game with emphasis on the game part.

    Now while the dialogue is just passable, this a case where the rest of the game really does make up for it. Where Aurelia really shines is in its art and wide variety of content to see and do. It's a high fantasy setting filled with different races and monsters (monster girls, too), and you really do get the feel as you play.

    I say emphasis on the game part as this contains a bunch of minigames that are required to progress. Most of them are fun and rather well made as far as minigames go, but I admit they can get tedious when you need to grind them out. Thankfully you shouldn't need to do that too much unless you have bad RNG (but saving and loading is your friend). If I had to make a suggestion, adding some rogue-like elements to some of them would help a lot imo. One already exists in the form of a dungeon crawler, but it could still use more I think. Just some variance to spice them up and make repeating them not as dull.

    The art really is top notch imo, but art is subjective of course. Still, having custom art for everything and every sex scene is always nice. I'd say there's 3 styles of scenes. Animated ones, ones with very detailed art, and ones with less detailed art. All great, but when you compare the animated ones to the less detailed ones, a difference in quality exits. They just don't compare to the better drawn/animated scenes imo. I get it's a lot more work to animate every scene though. Is what it is type of thing.

    I just enjoy the game a lot at the end of the day. It's pretty easy to get into and spend hours playing without realizing it. Great art, scenes, and setting, plus I enjoy sandbox games done right. This is well worth a play if it sounds like your thing!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Legit one of the best games on this site. The pixel art is the highest quality I've seen in any game, character designs and storylines feel unique from one another, the inclusion of achievements actually makes me want to play the minigames. You only come across a game this good once in a blue moon.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I think the game is great, it looks amazing, the writing is good enough.

    The game has some issues;
    You can fairly easily get locked without much any idea how to progress. Like, what if the minotaur does not spawn?
    What if the RNG doesn't go your way and you don't get shards of gems, but instead metric ton of useless gems but not the shards of those said games despite running through the 30 levels of the tower defense.

    Alt-tabbing may or may not cause Nvidia drives to trash the bed and crash the whole system
    Grind was somewhat tolerable until one starts running into aforementioned issues.
    For that, I must remove a star.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    crazy high quality animations, art, everything really. I remember being a bit annoyed having to do the archery game so much but even that is a minor complaint. I'd recommend this game to anyone, honestly.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    The game looks great very unique, it has a good variety of characters and there are some interesting mechanics
    The only 2 downsides are that it can be a bit grindy at times and a few scenes aren't animated
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A game that put emphasis on GAME more than anything. There are multiple mini-games and most of them are genuinely fun to play. The pixel art is at times astounding and you have to stop and just observe the impressive work put into it. As for the story? Well, there isn't a cohesive line of story you follow. Instead, it's more like a dating game where you progress with each character separately. This gives you a lot of freedom to pursue whatever you fancy at the moment, but also makes you a little detached from the game.

    Humor is an important aspect of the game and that can be a bit of a hit or miss depending on your tastes. But I found the jokes landed well more often than not.

    As for fapability, there are plenty of sex scenes that are well paced. The game does not forget it's ultimately a porn game and caters with a variety of girls, most of them with distinct personalities. Personally I thought the dirty talk was just spot on - a healthy dose of claiming a girl for your own while not going overboard - Well done, dev! Good dirty talk is rare.

    Personally I was annoyed at the dialogue being 'sounded out' the way it did, and the beer serving game made me ragequit once. But that's a minor objection to an otherwise great game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Only played for a couple hours at the time of writing, but it seems extremely well crafted. There's very few grammatical errors, no bugs that I've encountered, and all of the artwork and everything about it is incredibly good.
    Keep in mind it's a bit of a slow burn with some hot stuff thrown in here and there, so don't expect to get your hog ridden immediately.
    Top quality stuff, I hope to see more NSFW games like this in the future, and I will be keeping an eye out for anything the creator(s) does/do.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1935732

    Incredibly well made, the juggling of content and actions gets a little shaky though near the end were the content of the individual characters starts to get thinned out a little bit. The art is pretty amazing, definetly one of the higher quality games on this site, would be good to play the finished thing.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is lovingly crafted with great pixel art and very sexy characters with unique personalities. It just ticks all of the boxes. I love everything about it and it might just be my favourite NSFW game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    ★Chef's Kiss: top-tier unique art and good gameplay content - an adult game done right, A MUST PLAY

    + God-tier pixel art
    + Dayum this art, can't stress it enough
    + Gameplay (minigames) is fun
    + Decent writing
    + Achievements
    + A good balance of vaginal/oral/anal amounts of scenes
    + A variety of LIs
    + Subtle but good humor in dialogue
    + Epic-NPC-Man song

    - A bit too grindy, but not that annoying
    - Character personalities are cliché, but it's a porn game so this gets a pass
    - Some quest progressions are bugged
    - Some minor grammatical and text errors

    Overall, the pros outweigh the cons by a landslide...and the cons aren't even that bad to begin with. Again, a MUST PLAY. The game is still in development but it already shows great promise and potential for more scenes, etc.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the art.
    Gameplay is a bit directionless at first.

    Took time away from titties to read a ramble about bees. One of my eyes tried to roll, while the other tried to cringe.

    5/5 for gifting me that new experience.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is all around just very, very, very good. The art is amazing, the animation, although are short loops, are very well animated, all the girls looks amazing and there is a great variety of different fantasy races so there is something for everyone, and I feel like that quests aren't so obscure that you need to ask for help on the forum or look up a walkthrough.

    The one nitpick I have is with the minigames because although the are not too difficult, they seem to go on for longer than they maybe should to pad out the play time. Again, this is a nitpick and doesn't really reduce the overall enjoyability.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the beautiful if not the most beautiful pixel art game out there, even if you take away the porn, the game is riddled with gorgeous artwork that you can screenshot for your wallpaper, the mini-games is also pretty decently made to boot and doesn't overstay it's welcome in the game, so you don't have to worry about anything.

    Even if you have something against adult vn, you can't deny that the pixel art that exist here is a true art.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game. It's not long right now (around 15 hours) but still pleasant and feel satisficing.

    Girls are cute and lively, have characters and kinks. They're integrated in fantasy setting and every sex scene has some uniqueness.

    Minigames are actually very fun! First time for me that I spent so many times on them inside of erotic game.