So, played the last update, and i have to say that im clearly in the group that want updates with more content and not quick small ones.
I do honestly think it should be a "law" to never release an update with ZERO sexual/sexy content - in general i mean, not just this VN. I understand the need to move the plot along - but put
something in there, be it some nudity (feels like there was definitely a missed opportunity for this with Penny in the bath), a fantasy (Dallas masturbating while fantasizing about our protagnist for an example - rendered fantasy obviously not just text) or something like that.
Other than that this is one of my favourite VNs now. Still can't believe i was the first to donate a coffee as well. Glad to see the Patreon set up, but i would suggest a 1$ tier as i am supporting so many different creators that 3$ (as crazy as that sounds) is just not an option. I would be happy if the 1$ simply gave access to news about the game and i would pledge if you created that tier. Just a thought.