I'm starting to see this game being lumped in with games like Triangle and Life with Mary. While those games were great, they didn't get to support from the community and ended too soon in my opinion.
For those of you that like this game, even if you're not able to become a supporter. Just spread the word. Just because you're a pirate, doesn't mean you can't help.
Games like this deserve a lot more attention than we as a community are giving them.
We want games like this. Games that offer beautiful renders, a great story, and a promise of some cool content.
We should all be all over that shit. It costs you nothing to leave a like, write a review, or share it with friends. Fucking do it!
I dont see this game on the same level as Triangle or LwM. The characters in these games are way better constructed and they tell a somewhat believable (maybe a bit to much sunshine & rainbows in T.) story. And I think that Triangle ended on the right time. It could have had 1 more update, but the story was to smooth to keep the reader entertained. It was fun and good the way it was.
LwM had a lot more potential - there where enough good characters and sidestories to keep that game running for at least double the length. But they both should have had more support thru subscribers, that is true.
Here I miss interesting characters and/or a story that is more than something to connect the fucking. All women seem to be brainless bitches in heat. The mom only hesitates because she is the mom ... I think. All other female characters are pure cock addicts, and 90% or the males are betas.
That is nothing bad on its own, but thats the difference between great and nice games. As I said earlier, I do like the game and the more or less unique style of the girls, but the rest is not that good. The characters act unbelivebale and/or stupid. Yes we are young, but the mom accepts that we get paid 3 grand for a 6 hour delivery job? This is stupid. And you dont give such a high paying job to a guy you just met - even if he is the nephew of your neighbor and employee.
There should have been some minor jobs before that and some character building ... and then all that what happens at the warehouse? Thats just otherworldly stupid and hilarious.
"hey dude, we dont know each other, but tell me about that mafia guy that threatens your life and maybe killed your family." - "Why?" - "Because reasons!" - "Sure I have to act! bla bla" - "Oh and I will get the 9,6k for that girl I just spied on!" - "Why and how?" - "Because and for reasons!" - "Cool! See ya!" ....
Yeah ... thats the stuff great stories are made of