So, in an AVN, which has so far explored many ethical and moral dilemmas, twisting them to suit what we all loosely term "porn logic", you now wanna apply one specific country's work-place rules?
Despite the evidence in the script that something is indeed "pending"?
Yeah, good luck with that, even though I agree it might take forever, going by current focus on side-paths....
bro it is a porn games,not a reality.So there no point to mention the therapy are curcial and game are based on
The heightened moral dilemma and tension with Dr Wick only exists
because in the real world a therapist engaging in sex with a patient is a massive ethical violation and would likely cause them to loose their license (in pretty much every developed country, by the way, not just one). It's broadly considered one of the most immoral things you can do in the profession.
Yes, it's an AVN and porn logic applies, but in most AVNs there's at least some elements of reality that ground it. Many taboo scenarios are exciting precisely because they go beyond the things considered acceptable in normal society. Without that, it's not really taboo.
So yes, I expect something will happen with Dr Wick. But if she had absolutely no qualms about it and dived right in it'd ultimately be less exciting than if she resists as long as she can and feels conflicted about it, or has to figure out some way to do it she's morally comfortable with.
Edit: I actually suspect you'll eventually have a choice of either trying to seduce her while still a patient, or perhaps wait until that's no longer the case. Generally speaking, the game has given you some options when faced with moral dilemmas like that.