2) A sex-therapist ist not a hooker, just a therapist specialist for sexual problems.
Yep. I know. It is COMMON therapist, my question was (and assumption) that if sex therapist is not "common", then it might be said in figurative way. Again, why do you need to go from sex therapist to a mere beauty salon lady if the first pays more as well as more respectful work?
But... when a woman who has an affair is an whore...
You still dont get it why people are against you, aren't ya? You see, the problem here is that you can not sit on two chairs at the same time, if you're doing an incest game, than you should make one. You can not make incest game, with idea that incest fans would come and donate and NOT MAKING IT RIGHT. Yeah, yeah, this is not incest game, patch made by a third party and blah-blah-blah. We all know what is happening here. But lets assume its an incest game. Wink-wink and everything.
Incest and NTR is NOT something that can be done in one game, you eather aim for one or the other. But hey, you were telling that here would not be no NTR, so all incest funboys (me included): "Oh wow, thats game is for us, lets do this!". And...
We recieving this. The problem here is not that a non married woman is having an affair, the problem here who, assumptionally, that woman. That woman is a mom. No more nor less, and as i mentioned above, you dont do that in incest game.
There would be no problems if the mom just had normal relationship, husband or boyfriend(living in same house and\or preparing for a wedding. why not?), maybe a kid. There would be absolutely no problems, its is perfectly fine in normal relationship to have sex. But what have you done? You have a booty call. With a pornstar. With the same fucking age as MC.
Again, this is not what you do in incest game. This is for NTR, as it cause envy(in bad way), the feeling that should be caused by NTR. The incest funboy, after hearing that from, assumed, mom, would feel bad. THATS WHAT NTR DOES. And you were telling here would be no NTR.
Thats what bothers everyone. Yes, it is your story, and you can make your story all the way you want it, but this problem not concerns the story, but the way you make an incest game for incest fanboys. For example, you can check all my posts in the whole thread, do i complain about the story even once? No. Only about mom part. Do i like it wholely? No as well.
For example, we have Gina. She has the best model of all bitches. And what do we recieve? "Hey, you just gave me cocaine on hundreds of thousands of dollars, would you mind if my guys gangrape and defile the girl you loved?". "Sure, no problems".
WTF? OF COURSE I'M AGAINST IT. I DONT WANT TO FUCK A GIRL AFTER GANG RAPE. What, no options... No options at all????? Okey...
And what do we have after that? She was filled with cum by a bunch of guys, pissed and everithing. Probavly rimjob. Who knows? I'm expecting the worst.
THAT IS DISGUSTING, i dont want to touch her, that is totally disgusting, idiotic, i wanted to say NO when MC was asked about it, i'm not netorare guy, bu netori. (lets say hello to theidiotic tag moderation on this site).
That is disgusting and i dont whant to see that in the story. Have i complained about it even once? No. Cause IT IS PART OF THE STORY. It is not against the MCs ravange path, it does not ruins the image of the MC that author presented to us by the novel part. Yes, i have absolutely no problems if the MC was the one who'd done that to Gina, man, that would be even arousing for me, BUT NOT WHEN IT IS DONE BY FUCKING OTHERES TO THE GIRLS I'M EXPECTING TO BE FUCKING IN THE FUTURE. That is dusgusting and i dont want it and i dont like it.
But still, no complaints about that from me, and surely, if youd look through the thread, everyone else was quite cool about that as well, nonetheless it is still the NTR thing. No one cared as its the STORY, your story, and its still LOGICAL, so yes i was ok with it even if dont like it. But i'm not OK with the MOM part. You've done it wrong. You can not expect for people not to complain about that, cause its not the problem of the story, its the problem of the game it self. You dont call something an incest game AND include this in the story. Nope. It had been totally ok, if the "your age porn star affair " was something, for example, of a neighbor. Beautiful 40 years old single lady, BFF of your mom, that spends a lot of time inside your house, chatting with your mom and sometimes yourself. If we heared that she has a booty call from a 20 years old pornstar and now she's hard to walk. Man, no one would have said even a word. It would be fun and interesting conversating. BUT NOT IF IT COMES FROM YOUR MOM.
I know, you might keep being stubborn and change nothing, telling everyone that it is your story and we all should just fuck off(well, not heared from you even once, man, you have nerves of steel

). But the problem, if this keeps being inside the game, than it no more an incest game,so the incest fanboys would not donate to you. Cause... it is not an incest game funboys expect. Maybe not completely NTR like Big Brother or Superpowered (oh, i so hate them), but something that give you a fishy feeling about it. And you just dont like it.
UPD1: You keep telling that later you would need it for the story, but are you sure that if the story needs your mom to be fucked by a creepy head is the RIGHT story? I'm sure that, even excluding incest relationship, the situation that would require a mother to be fucked by a strange dude, even if it helps you, is not something normal son would go for?