Ren'Py - Completed - BangCity [v1.02] [BangCityDev]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    After playing it for 2 days straight with almost no rest only to sleep and have lunch, because i wanted to know what is this game about, i came to the conclusion that this game is boring, grinding and just..boring

    It starts good with the premises of a guy who can take revenge on the whores and his father gang, but the game starts to wonder between a life with nice house and the whores hideout

    The life with the mother for me just makes the game worse there begins the grinding with same scenes and hours day after day with minimun changes that makes this game unbearable and boring

    then little by little we have more and more content with the whores and it's fine , i liked it, but then again the life with the damn mother makes this game BAD

    I just wanted a fucking choice to turn off all the content with that women but never appeared , for real, such a pain in the ass all the sex scenes they have, all the infinite teasing until they fuck made me uninstall this game because i had no interest in that women but the game forces me to have that scenes because Yes

    After that i lost all interest in this, the whores are fine but not enough to make me play this grinding mess, Gina was the best for me.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Short version

    The Good:

    Models are ok
    Repeatable sex scenes are ok, varied enough.
    Plot just interesting enough to keep you clicking

    The Bad:

    As of right now, there is absolutely no reason this should be a sandbox game. Game is so linear about what to do next, there's no reason to have an city map or location selection. Why not just take me there automatically? This may change in future updates, but its a slog right now.

    Progress with Love interests can be slow or unclear to a frustrating degree.
    Can feel like I'm playing a cookie clicker.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    (as of v.12e)

    Q: What did Tony the Tiger say on the witness stand?
    A: Theeeeey'rrrrrre... okay...

    This game is... okay. It's a pimp-fantasy, with a lot of raunch and humour, so like Risky Business meets Porkies. It pretends to be open-world, but is totally on rails. Two dozen locations but usually only something happening at one of them. I'm okay with that - saves a lot of time-wasting. There's lots of grinding, but each turn of the grinder has a little variation, which is clever. There is a shit-ton of content.

    The renders are... okay. They're grainy, and there are long stretches with no variation, just straight two-shots, so there is need for more variety, more closeups. But sometimes the composition is really creative. The later scenes in the studio, for example, seem like they came from a totally different VN.

    The women are... okay. It's like you're squinting, and in one render they look attractive, and in the next, eww... The LI is particularly bad for this. She's a weird design choice, imho, with her big nose and frizzy hair. She looks like Barbara Streisand... and, as a great man once said, that's a challenging wank.

    And there's the thing where in the bottom of the screen there's a portrait. I don't mean to pick on this dev, lots do this, but do people think this actually adds value? I suppose it's meant to a) indicate the speaker, and b) indicate emotion. But if you can't tell who's talking, isn't that a writing problem? And for showing emotion, isn't that what the render is supposed to do?

    The writing is... okay. It could really use a once-over by a native speaker, but again, that's true of 75% of the games on this site. There's lots of chatter, lots of inner monologing, and I just click through it. The humour is clever at times, and it's too bad it gets buried in all the nattering. And the constant refrain of "fuck bitches" gets boring real fast. You try saying it over and over again.

    Again, not picking on this dev, but with things like The Wire and The Sopranos so readily accessible, why do devs have such a hard time making criminal activity believable? This one isn't as bad as some others, but still...

    Anyway, yeah, it's... okay.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    story suppose to be son of local pimp taking over pimp business, but feel story limited make it feel less enjoyable because mc limited choice or option allow to do with it subject(hoe / pros) well cause no exp pimp IRL is expected of game... no sleep sex. (edit: and why mc so crazy for landlady is mystery! mc have enough $$ get his own place somehow into not attrative landlady? i thought focus story suppose to be on build his pimp empire)

    sandbox game with limiter on how you play it so not free roam.

    graphic is okay is free game. no complaint about it.

    music/sound : seem to be silent game for me...
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    The renders are pretty good but I have no idea how you expect anyone to read and follow along when the thoughts in general are so garbled. The premise for the game is super interesting, but stream lining MCs thoughts and making the dialogue clear would be very helpful, best of luck!
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This game should not be a sandbox game. The whole point of making a game in sandbox is so that you can free roam and advance the game in the order you want to. All the tasks in this game are very linear. You have a bunch of locations you can click on, but for the most part you can only go to the location that is the next task. Sure you can go to the trailer park or the bedroom when your mom is showering, but those are minor instances and do not justify making the entire game a sandbox.

    The story isn't great. There are tons of grammatical errors.
    Also the MC isn't very likable - IMO. But I am not giving a lower score just because I don't particularly like the MC; that is personal preference and doesn't necessarily reflect whether the game/VN is well done. But I don't feel the game is well done.

    Game play: terrible
    Story: poor
    Renders/animations: good
    Overall: poor
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It's not going to win any awards, but this is a fun adult VN. Plenty of plowing to do, good selection of women, and just enough choice to keep you paying attention. Story avoids melodrama, isn't afraid to have you be kind of a jerk and is right up my alley.
    Art is serviceable. Enough content that I haven't been able to finish it yet even with some use of the "auto" feature in 2 hours.
    I'll be looking forward to future updates.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this is a good and underrated game with a fair amount of content
    It lacks animations heavily as well as variation in sex scenes as they are mostly vanilla despite the game theme (gangs, girls who are drug addicted etc)
    I hope it will improve with future versions
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    In theory all the components are there...but in practice it's a futile effort.
    The MC is set out to leave the disgusting past behind taking revenge on the disgusting past.
    We "manage our own brothel"...except there is nothing to manage. The scenes we begin in chapter one stay the same literally throughout the whole game. We get the punish mechanism later on which is completely useless. By that time we have enough money. Besides i got bored fairly fast with the bitches. The level of interactivity is low. We can pay only Gina. Giving her thus more mood and motivation. No option for other four girls.
    Our mom hooks us up with THREE GIRLS...i can't remember their names whatsoever...the first two get tossed out by the dev fast. I actually fancied the first one...WISH she had some NTR content...while staying "pure with love waiting for the promised prince" and fucking behind our back. You know as a lesson of patience or whatever.
    Oh right the mom. We get asked a stupid question if we are ok with Mom dating this pornstar dude...except it all happens off camera. We never witness it. EVER. Still this apparently triggers the snowflakes of this forum into oblivion thus the NTR tag.
    95% of the game is spent on...reading the dialog between the MC and by day the dev teaches us how to be kind towards woman(maybe the MC should start puting effort and being more nice towards his girls?).
    This is the worst part of the game. The dev spent humongous time on renders were they "break the ice". The mC desperately tries to get into his mom's pants. This is the whole game. I KID YOU NOT. Text after text after text...We read read read...All five chapters. Same thing over and over.
    There is the "influencer" with her low IQ as an appetiser between the reading...but those are one time flings non repeatable.

    I noticed what is wrong here. I got extremely tired and annoyed with the whole talking with mom but at the same time there are no proper side missions. No storyline. We do not get the opportunity to get to know the other girls. Their story and characters do not get fleshed out. They are simply thrown at us.
    Then came the swing club. Great fantastic. Again repeatable scenes with no context.
    There should be more interaction between all the girls. The MC kept lying to his mom. He took advantage of the bitches. He can't apprehend thee also were abused heavily like him. And he continues the circle of hate just like his father. did They stay stupid dolls. I though he will help them to move on...instead we keep lying and depend on other people...
    The mom needs to find out her son kept lying and he earns money through pimping those girls. How he fucks them mechanically. There needs to be a campbellian punishment and wake up for him.

    The scene were MC walks in on a drunk Linda is mind breaking. The MC can not recognize himself in her. He keeps repeating the same mistakes just as her. Instead of putting into action the lessons from Valerie he keeps ignoring the problem for another day or maybe never. I
    ALso the MC and Valerie live towards their vices. He treats women as objects and she being fixated on her son. There needs to be some reconciliation with their past. Otherwise it's going o be a boring slice of life...
    wish there was an ending in which the MC saves Linda. THey escape and make a family. They live the rest of their lives simple and humble but together...

    P.S. In all due honesty the trailer park blond is my favorite. I actually feel for her. It annoys me even more how the dev did not make more content for her. Five chapters and nothing. That tells you something...
    P.S. #2 There should be sex scenes of mom with all those lingerie we bought her...WTF DEV?!
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Really liked this game. alery ,MC's mom is really hot and funny! nice charatterization of the NPC too..the gang ladies are funny and have good renders too. Hope to see how the story goes and can't wait to execise with Mom again soon. Dev is amazing and help every one with minor fix . hope i can see more of the story soon and maybe the girls that' rent room at mom house
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Game has huge potential to be a great novel as well as game. The developer gives you the proper background and story line history to get you into it and want to progress the story even further. Kind of like not wanting to put a good book down that keeps you up half the night!

    Graphics and renders are good to great. Might want to consider introducing some additional side characters (female) not related to the gang. Might throw a wrench into the MC's thought process. lol.

    This developer takes the time to communicate changes with users outside of the posts with direct mail contact which makes him one of the best.

    Thank you.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The 2 Stars are purely for the animations being original assets as for the story its pretty much a glorified hand job simulator, no real pay off to be had with unlikable characters including the Protagonist I cannot recommend this game there is very little in the way of action, just a monotonous grind to get through each chapter I gave up on the game halfway through the 4th Chapter through sheer boredom the content repeats, like Groundhog Day & with only slight changes to each passing day it becomes repetitive very VERY quickly.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 522652

    wow, wow, wow: huge game, novel story, and beautiful renders/girls. I did not know why I waited so long to play this game, I know the Dev's work from a nice mod he made for a very popular sand box game, which I played with joy, but this is even up a couple of notches:

    first, he found a fresh story, no need to corrupt all girls slowly to get your first HJ in Version 0.7, but here you aim to dominate them and become a gang leader already early on, later you can spank them at will. Plus, the "landlady"'s motivation to bang her tenant is someone plausible (for a porn game) and her corruption takes longer. Side girls are also good, so you have the perfect balance between steady lewd scenes and long term incentives.

    With this, the game has - despite being sandbox - no grind at all, each day has a lot of action, and with the difference in slut-level you get hard core scenes quite quickly..

    Then, the game is very long, I played hours, and the built in notification system made sure I always found the next step.

    If you like popular sandbox titles with corruption in it, you will love this game, for sure.

    Five stars, hands down
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    As of v0.11c
    The game has decent renders and not all models are bad , the story started off nice with gangster theme after a while the game becomes boring with some inconsistent writing and Sandbox which is grind where you have to skip time a lot and money and free roam with specific activities at specific time , bugs and old saves which causes error and closes the game while playing almost making it unplayable .
    2 stars for this game except for some models ( added 1 star ) , Grinding sandbox and poor writing ruins this game .
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    The game starts great, huge potential. A unique scenario where mc has some opportunity to be someone great, he has a plan, just needs to execute Unfortunately it goes downhill from chapter 2 onwards. The guy lose everything, starts from beginning again while trying to get handjobs from his landlady, ends up being a porn director. chapter 3 is a chore fest, where you have do same thing over and over again. i think developer ran out of ideas and decided to go with the good old, throw them the grind formula

    Everything has to happen during night. You don't do anything during the day other than chatting with your landlady during breakfast

    Hint : If skip time button is the most pressed button, stay away from that game
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    endless bugs even after restarting and avoiding choices that apparently bug the game, but there are so many issues where you loop without advancing that I give up. characters will state things that have not been choosen, mc will ignore choices, events marked on UI will not be possible to trigger (many times there is a ! mark highlighting where to continue and MC refuses to go there or the marks are on incorrect timings - many events/many locations!) other locations aren't marked at all but have events... UI utterly nonsensical such as the notepad and rent due in minus 10 days etc, etc. it's a complete chore to play and the sandbox is done in the most buggy way I have seen in a LONG, long time. Requires major overhaul to be brought in a playable state and from what I witnessed I seriously doubt that will happen correctly. (without bugs the game would also not surpass mediocrity).
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for 0.09b
    So i played through the content there is now. And you can see someone has put in a lot of effort to craft a story and make the duality of the character shine through. I personally do not think it worked 100%, but it is interesting nonetheless. It does create feeling that there sometimes are two different games being developed.

    Renders are nice and some of the characters are pretty hot, so that's a plus.

    I am personally not much of a fan of incest stuff so the whole storyline with Valerie just drags on forever, especially in the later levels where i felt the whole crime part of the plot gets put on the back burner for a while.

    So yeah in conclusion: If you like incest games and can stomach a little strange crime drama this game is for you. If you like crime drama style games and can stomatch some incest stuff, again this game is for you.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Интересная история, нетривиальные персонажи, незаезженные модели. История развивается логично и неторопливо, но вместе с тем не затянуто. Хотелось бы больше музыкального и звукового сопровождения, иначе то что есть немного приелось, но это не критично.

    Interesting story, non-trivial characters, unworn models. The story develops logically and slowly, but at the same time it is not delayed. I would like more music and sound, otherwise what is a little boring, but it is not critical.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    This game has some element of potential - that someone will evetually be inspired by the plot premise and decide to to re-write it into a completely new game. The basic idea of the game is great, the executionof writing is terrible. I do not want to bash the author because clearly he did a lot of work best way he could. But the dialogues are really insultingly stupid. The result is that any immerson is utterly impossible. Its kindof sad to see the game has content, fair artwork, and a relatively fresh idea wasted by sloppy writing.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    It s difficult if it is worth rating five stars, but if you compare the original work, with new characters and faces, an amazing script with two ways (or different lifes), in comparison with other hand other fail and fake games, with poor characters, without scrypt, without personality and nothiing new to enjoy.... Then this game deserves 7 stars, congratulations.

    On the other hand it is a litlle stressing follow the walkthrough to enjoy the game