VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Bare Witness [Steam Build] [AlterWorlds]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The last two chapters is probably the best ending ever, other developers take note! This VN has some great love interest and great lewd scenes. The romance is top tier too, the negative is probably that the plot is weak and very uninteresting. Just stayed for the girls. Val and Heidi is wifey
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Kilometer Immorales

    This game's worth the 5 stars. Genuinely the hottest and prettiest girls I've ever seen in an AVN. The variety of scenes were great and the number of routes and ending were awesome. 10/10 would reccomend.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This has to be the best AVN I've ever played. I've played every route multiple times and I'm gonna play it again after I finish writing this review. The story is solid and consistent, with dialog that makes sense grammatically. The renders are top quality, girls are hot, and there's plenty of banging to do. The music is nice, but songs with lyrics can be a bit distracting. Not enough of a problem to lose a star.

    Some of the LIs are solo only, but it makes sense with their character and I really appreciate that.
    Heidi and Athena being a package deal makes sense, and Mora being open to experimenting with the group works based on her previous relationship experience. Adding Sadie is fine because she doesn't care about who you're with, she just wants to be with you. Zenda and Val being solo only is a great move IMO, it makes a statement about the type of person they are and adds depth to the game. Not everything can be a giant orgy fuckfest.

    5/5 would give it a 6 if I could
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Graphics are very good, girls are beautiful, the multiple choices are good but sometimes you have to save beforce choosing, I could go in the wrong direction which you were not attending to. I played though it ones but after it I dont wont to go back to and play it again. Story is OK, But after one playthrough I deleted it. 4 of 5 stars
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I was about to complain bout MC being a major pussy, awkward dialogue and abundance of small talk, but these are nothing in comparison to this games nebulous choice system. It seems fine until the end, but then you realize that paths aren't flexible. So I was openly in a relationship with Heidi, Athena and Sadie and because I didn't have some variable from several hours of reading ago checked, the game thinks that I'm on a Sadie solo path and SIMPLY FORGETS about Heidi's and Athena's entire existence. I kid you not, I literally went on romantic dates with both of them at the end of fourth chapter while mutually confessing our feelings for one another and then as soon as the fifth chapter begins - it's like they were never there, literally vanished. Oh and remember that It says on the front page that you can only have four women at the same time? Well you don't get to pick. Those are 4 very specific ones and you get their ending if the stars align and you pick every correct choice along the way, otherwise at some point Thanos might just flip his fingers and erase some of them from the spacetime.

    Otherwise the game is fine. Sex scenes range from alright to well-done. Soundtrack is serviceable, even tho I mostly played muted. Girls are good, but the story is short so there isn't much development. I'd probably rate 4/5 if I actually got to pick myself who to stay with.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good VN
    With great visuals and good soundtrack and great story
    I liked MC and i found most of LIs beautiful and interesting characters with well written personal stories and unique characteristics.
    Personally at first i liked Heidi,
    but Later i really loved Sadie and i couldn't choose any other ending without Sadie in it.
    So run the Throuple ending (MC/Heide/Sadie) first and later their 2 solo endings.
    Finally i also played the Harem ending with Sadie/Heide/Mora/Athena)

    I found the Sadie solo ending better than the Heide ending , and Throuple ending was very good too
    Basically between those 4 endings i would choose
    1)Sadie ending (the most romantic ending in my opinion)

    2)Throuple ending (the only reason put this 2nd above harem ending is that i like less people in a relationship)
    The only thing i didn't like in the throuple was that in my opinion the first time/night of Sadie should have been like the night of her solo ending my opinion MC should had said that he wanted a 1vs1 night with sadie for her first time
    (or sadie said it) basically like what Athena said to Heide, that she wanted her first time with mc to be without Heide
    and then in the future they could have another night with threesome with Heide because even on the harem path Sadie first night was only with MC......
    moreover Heide was all over Sadie that night lmao she probably kissed Sadie much more times than MC did it was litle annoying to me.
    So if Sadie first time was alone with MC it would have been a perfect throuple ending for me.

    3)Harem ending aka Heide wet dream.... also its not the usual harem.. its more of poly/open relationship of 5 people than a traditional harem and personally i would have find it better if for example Mora and Sadie remained strictly heterosexual and just shared the MC but that's my personal preference...

    4)Heide ending it wasn't bad ending but after i saw the mother of Heide i understand how Heide became like this lmao

    On the other hand
    Athena was very well created LI although i didn't like her style (too many tattoos and piercings for my taste) but she was great girl overall.
    But also the movie night with Athena and Heide pissed me off... i canceled my date with Zenda and they left me watching a movie so they can have fun.. and also left the door open on purpose so i can see them srsly im not a voyeur not i liked to play their games so i choose to go in my room even if i lost points doing so.
    But the annoying thing is if
    Mora was a cute redhead next girl door LI and she also was dnd player which is plus for me and if there was a Mora/Sadie Throuple ending i would have played it.
    Zenda wasnt of my taste so i didnt play her story.

    Finaly personally i would have liked to see more throuples and i would love to see some of them not to have lesbian content content and just share the MC for example Mora/Sadie Throuple ending in which they both share MC but stay heterosexual it could have been possible and nice additional ending

    On the other hand one more possible Throuple would have been Athena/Sadie/MC ending and i feel that Athena had better chemistry with Saddie and MC than Heide had and she also have a incest fetish lmao so maybe it would have been a better throuple ending..

    Finally i cant believe that there wasn't a Saddie/Heide/Athena ending but was a Mora/Heide/Athena ending.

    In conclude it was a very enjoyable VN and i highly recommended it
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    First and foremost this game was not my cup of tea so there's that, None of the girls really interested me, I rejected the "lesbians" and everyone who was straight up "hello lets go and fuck", I rejected the girl who was playing games wanting to be chased while she entertained other dudes on our "date", the few others weren't visually appealing, not that the other LI's was either really so I ended up pursuing none .

    Besides this letdown I did not really like the dialogues nor the story even tough the story itself was decent for this type of game I guess,
    i simply felt no interest in it after most girls just spewed sexual innuendos or wanted to bang straight away so it all felt rather forced and lacked imagination.

    The animations however was pretty good overall (I skipped past story on replay to see afew)

    All in all it gets a 3/5 and concidering that the quality of LI and dialogue/story is what matters most for me that's a pretty generous rating.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best VNs I've ever played.
    The women are good looking, with different backgrounds and personalities.
    The graphics are great, as are the animations. The sex scenes are varied, which is also appreciated. The music is also very nice.
    The icing on the cake is the variety of possible endings (11 in total!).

    The only quibble is the lack of sound effects.

    Anyway, highly recommended!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Genuinely one of the best VNs around at the moment. There are probably only 2 or 3 I'd consider to be better.

    The characters all felt real. I've only done one playthrough but I decided on the "MASH" ending (Mora, Athena, Sadie, Heidi) as it had the most characters to interact with.
    • Heidi is just completely adorable from the start.
    • Athena has this hard exterior at the start but softens until she's just as cute as Heidi. She's also quite shy which you wouldn't think by looking at her, which is a nice subversion of expectations.
    • Mora felt extremely real with very real problems that have to be dealt with.
    • Heidi started in a very interesting place. She's not in the best of shape and that's not something you typically see from a love interest.
    The only downside I really have is how willing Mora and Sadie are willing to jump into a relationship with Athena and Heidi. The latter two are already established to be into women, while Mora and Sadie are not. Mora basically jumps right in despite being shy, and Sadie doesn't hesitate at all. There are some time jumps in the story so perhaps this could explain any missing elements but it would have been nice to see.

    The models, renders, and animations are all superb. Again, some of the best I've ever seen.

    There are 11 endings in the game so there's a lot of replayability.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the best VN games out there. CG is decent, story is good, but most importantly it's just a great feel-good game. None of that NTR, cucking, depression inducing stuff, as is popular to add to certain game. Kinda shame there's no option for harem, at least as far as I can tell, but still, if all the VN games out there, it's definitely in the top. Highly recommend. The only real downside is the Android port: textbox takes up like half the screen and font is god damn awful. Ability to switch fonts would easily make this a 10/10 game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly a masterpiece from the writing to the deign of the characters to their personalities building up it was a pleasure to be able to play this.
    Thanks to everyone that made this game possible looking further for the next projects.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    For me, the most important thing in a game is the story, and I can't say I liked this game's story very much. Of course, I don't expect a Disco Elysium-level scenario in adult games, but I do expect a low level of logical inconsistencies. Two things in this game bothered me a lot. I will write about them with spoilers.

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    After the second logical inconsistency, I stopped following the game's story and skipped most of the dialogues. I really liked the women's appearances and personalities; they were among the best I've played so far. Heidi, in particular, was very beautiful. However, I can't say I liked the animations very much. As I mentioned above, the story is the most important thing in a game for me. Since I didn't like the animations either, I can give this game at most two stars. This is the maximum rating I can give to a game where I only liked the characters' appearances.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good story and all the women are beautiful. Most of the solo endings were satisfying. Where it lost a star for me was the Harem portion of this, I'm not really into lesbian/Bi content and in the Harem portion it turns into more of a Poly relationship than a Harem. Everybody loves everybody just doesn't do it for me. And i love Harem stories and the Harem in this story was disappointing to me. So if your into Harem without the everybody loves everybody i don't recommend but if you don't care for harem stories or you don't mind the Lesbian/Bi everybody loves everybody type relationships or you like doing solo runs then this one is for you.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Just finish this game today, a solid 4/5 for me.

    + Girls are beautiful, although you dont get much background on them, they fall in love quite fast, no in depth complex personality, pretty straight forward tbh, nothing is force, u can reject every girls ,be single all you want and get 0 content if you choose to do so.

    + The story, its .. decent, quite simple actually, ,MC and the girls did go to college, but there are like 0 college content, there aint much to see outside of a few activity with each girls, then sex, then some crucial choices, and so on, there are many plot point that could defintiely be expand on.

    +The game throw important choices at you at a really fast pace,constantly, certain decision early on Ep 2 could even lock u out of the Harem of 4 aka MASH path, so Walkthrough mod (Sancho) is recommended. The entire major upheaval past thing? mention a couple of time, then final confrontation at the start of Ep 5, and it wrap up real quick too. Someone from the past come back ? your cousin,1 small talk, 2 gym workout ,1 massage session and a cup of coffee, if you choose to, boom, LI, she aint gonna do anything to mess up MC new life.

    + Even with 11 path,its still a short length game -with only 5 episode ,i play through a couple of solo path by accident, then MASH, then duo path, not much different in term of story in the early chapter (except when u pick Zenda, she have quite a few extra exclusive scene, and she's solo path only). Around chapter 4 and 5 is when u gonna see different scenes/renders for each path, MASH definitely got the most content out of all path.

    +Pregnancy tag, when u technically impregnant Heidi , Sadie, Valerie (even on MASH path) , u only get text and then the game end shortly after, with a little secret scene if u choose to fulfill Val request but didnt pick her path, there aint gonna be any visual pregnant belly on the girls, no preggo sex scene or anything like that. Incest is for Sadie-the cousin, MC's mom are mention like twice, no name, no face or anything.

    +Animation are great, especially from mid game onwards, high quality, smooth, good camera/angle, take a couple of clicks to switch position or new angle, but it long enough to be enjoyable, especially on the five-some scene.

    - Overall ,Its a good game with happy ending that is satisfying enough, beside from the harem, the game is quite simple in terms of story and the sex is pretty much vanilla , no kinks ,not much crazy stuff happen, beside from that minor Mafia pack, it leaves you slightly disappoint and wanted more, even though the game is quite short, i would definitely recommended it.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Short version: Entertaining narrative but gets caught up in it's dialogue, solid renders and good attention to characters. 4/5

    A bit dialogue heavy at the beginning, cleaner in the middle chapters, and tapers off with some inconsistency at the end of chapters. There were points it didn't quite line up causing me to rewind and see if i missed something.

    Played through 4 of the 11? endings. The endings are a bit lighter on the dialogue, which weirdly made them feel a bit out of place from the rest. Was good to see solid attention paid to all of the characters.

    Solid, well lit DAZ renders. Nothing stands out as something to nitpick that I wouldn't blame on DAZ myself.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a solid game in my book. At least a 3 out of 5 is bare minimum for this. The effort and time spent into this. Other games are done more half-baked, while this clearly isn't.

    All my feedback is from my first and probably only play through. Possible spoilers ahead!

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    . Which got me confused on how should one manage to get X of them at once.

    Would I replay it? No. And here is the reason:
    To start off with the obvious: the renders are great, yet I'm still not onboard with most of the girls' hair. Same for animations, some are really well done while others are lackluster at best. Clipping hair through hands if girls hold the MCs head is always a thing.

    I also get the feeling that some girls got more attention than others did.
    The world design is mediocre at best, but most characters are well done (aside from above-mentioned issues). Some humor put into frames cracked me up, while the ugly cats and the spaghetti that looks like printed out cardboard blew that away real quick.

    The MC is pretty much ideal, aside from the unnecessary long schlong.

    Apparently I ended up with only one chick
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    The rest somewhat died out and two of them broke up and kinda broke up.

    What got me really upset was the mindset of certain girls, or the lack of brain cells.
    Hear me out on this:

    I went friendly with all of them, and only declined offers when I JUST made plans with another girl a few moments ago. Never went exclusive with any of them yet no one really bothered aside from
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    . After about 15 weeks or more without having sex at all she just randomly asks if you meet other girls: obviously I did because who prevented me from it or told me not to?

    She got mad and just dumped me because I denied the exclusivity to her when there was never a sexual thing besides kissing in the whole time.
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    is the only chick that thinks about using a condom with a stranger and wants a test in order to go deeper. Really?

    The other girls didn't give a damn about this at all. Only
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    told the MC that she's on birth control pills. Like what?

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    is one selfish fuck who wants to have things her way. Has her thing going with
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    , but when you tell her that you're not a fan of exclusivity, she gets salty. She is literally the only chick that I really didn't want to get close to: just by the looks of her ugly ass hair that has to be modeled off a toilet brush.
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    The next thing is the random jumps in time “seven weeks later”. Bruh?

    Some girls don't even appear back after the second time skip just because you turned them down once because they contacted you RIGHT AFTER you already set plans for the day? Give me a break!

    The story if you can call it that is weird to me but a different approach. The ending (I had) left me confused a bit.

    TL;DR for the devs:
    — Animation quality is decent, looking forward to the next game.
    — Common sense for some characters should be a thing
    — Characters are not equally done, some look plastic while others look excellent.
    — Music is decent and fitting more of the time.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on this site by far.

    Great visuals, even better writing. Seriously, the dialogues maybe aren't the most profound, but they feel very natural. It's not easy finding a game that has a cast of characters that are as well defined; it tends to be more on the 'different face, same slut' vibe, but in this case each of the love interests are pretty good on their own right and, apart from Heidi, they don't start super horny and have very interesting developments each. Also, it's pretty darn funny. The references and jokes are plenty, but so much they become annoying, as it sometimes happens.

    My only complaint is that the plot is a bit over the place. The whole thing with the criminals and WitSec feels like it was meant to be a bigger part that was left out as the game got updated. The fact that, depending on the path you take, it may as well be finished when you only reach like 2/3 of the entire playthrough prooves as much. Luckily, that also means it's not too intrusive. Best if you suspend your disbelief as much as you can and just focus on the MC and his relationships.

    Apart from that, the whole relationship system is a bit chaotic and it's tough properly following the path you want. I had to install SanchoMod at one point because I got the same ending 3 times in a row despite making different decisions.

    Still, superb job. Can't wait for more from AlterWorlds.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Lets see, I found it a pretty nice VN to play. The story was pretty decent and no complaints on that side. I did find the last chapter a little long. Maybe it was just me and a short attention span.

    The girls though in this game are pure quality and the dev chose some fantastic models to use in this VN. Honestly it's hard to choose a favorite since they are all gorgeous and have there own qualities. Maybe I lean a little towards Athena since cute gothic gamer. Followed by Valerie the absolute cougar.

    Conclusion - A good visual novel with a decent play time and fantastic models.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is indeed a good game. There are some bad sides but the good ones far outweigh the bad ones.

    Characters are mostly good. They all have their own personalities.
    The MC is a little bit of a letdown, he feels like a mind controlling superhero and all the girls are literally throwing themselves at him without much effort.
    Mora, Heidi and Athena are really good characters but the rest are pretty forgettable. The worst is the cousin that feels a bit off, it doesn't feel like she really fit in and her personality is the weakest of the cast.

    Graphics are as good as it gets. Consistent and good animations and renders.

    Story is well done but a little long winded sometimes with strange pacing in a couple of places, overall it's good though.
    The main mafia story doesn't get a lot of airtime and is a bit forgotten though, it feels a bit like it's only there to give a backstory but is not really explored.

    Sex scenes are good but most follow the same script and are a little bit too vanilla. One would have thought that 5 persons in a quintuple would have more varying tastes. Now it's just oral then vaginal and repeat, over and over again.

    Overall it's a top notch game though, i really recommend it!
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Story is good, not great to some of the other AVN I came across. Renders are decent, character designs are very good, some are even very realistic, (not the player character though). The girls are very sweet, the red head is just a sweet heart. Has harem option, endings are quite good, hence has decent replay value. Overall, enjoyed the game very much.