
New Member
Aug 16, 2020
Where the hell is the white raven travern? The quest is not proceeding. And why is this game so difficult? I have no idea what kind of quest there is in the character. The slave who sen shopping keeps shopping. Can't I cancel it?


Nov 30, 2018
i have seen broken games, not as much as this one. Someone please remove the walkthroughs in the front page, they have nothing to do with game


May 31, 2017
total walkthrough? umm, nope. :ROFLMAO:

but, there's a proper and viable walkthrough for 1.6B content
Until some persons got problem with the game i will start here to update my old own walkthrough for the game. I have complete the game without any cheating so you should no wonder that everything is only farming and not any more.

The questssteps in the game i will add in the next few days. So i will play the steps again to be correct the order.

So one thing for every day in the game, if you are going to class, stay at class and befor the class ends. The class ends quietly. Save the game, because you get a random result of public event or what ever (Doesnt make any sence at the game and you can lost -5000 money directly on the second day)
You can lose or earn money and reputation.
So you can load if you get an negativ event result -5000$ for example.

Befor breakfirst go to bathroom to get +50 speech. If you get the spy option you can do it one time, until that just skip until you can finally enter the bathroom for speech training. In the night befor you going sleep, go to bathroom again to get +50 speech again.

Each Morning take the Workout routine with Sophie to raise your strength (now you will get +50 strenght for it). You need at 1000 strenght to complete the girlfriend Elena and 3000 strength to get the gym.

You need 3000 Knowledge for the Girlfriend-Quest with Carol. Well iam not sure how much Knowledge you need to pass the exam but its also important to pass them. I think you will loose the game if you fail the exam 2 times and you cannot continue with carol quest if you dont pass the exam.

When you start exploring the cave do not sell the leather, you need 1000 leather for the Girlfriend-Quest with Elena! Also you need some leather for the restauration of the carwash.

If you going to cave from Mo-Fr and want claim the two mining spots eat the vegetarie for 12$ you get some strength and loose -15 speech. Yes as vegetarian you directly loose the ability to speak in that game *facepalm*
So after the first class unit go directly to caferteria eat and go back to classroom continue seasion and leave immediatly the school. Go to governant building dont speak to the guardians or someone else there just refresh your spiderquest. Everythime you speak to someone there you loose 10 food. Go to fuelstation eat there and get some equipment like pickaxe and eat there too.

First comes ... the intro.

After that continue to the next day at school. Then comes the Scene with Keo then check out every part in the school and then go to the director.

After that leave the place and continue the scene at church and go at home, do your homework until bedtime (Important raise your knowlede at the beginning of the game that you will pass the exam that comes at every end of a month. Dont waste time at cave or something else until you pass the first exam!!!!)

At night dont go sleep, move to the kitchen and then to Sophies Bedroom, you will get a scene.
The follow day you move to the maid guild and discuss the situation. You need 1000$ for the ceremony dress(thats open the option for cave exploring). Discuss the money situation and you get the first job option at pizzastore.

You should do homework more then working at the pizza diner. Make enough money to get the dress for the ceremony and health potions for Sophie. Wait with ceremony the first month and raise your knowledge and get some money.

My tip at the first month use the trigger events after class to get money(1000-5000). So you can buy energy for your car at the fuel station if needed for 300$ and you can save money for potions and 10000 for the fitnesscenter quest later.

The routine for the first month should be now:
Stand up, got to bathroom, get +50 speech. Go kitchen do workout. Save befor first class unit ends. Load by negativ result. Do next class unti, leave school. Do Homework/pizza job. At night go to bathroom and get +50 speech.
Stand up, got to bathroom, get +50 speech. Go kitchen do workout. Do Homework/pizza job. At night go to bathroom and get +50 speech.

If you pass the exam and got the first month done. You should now start with the cave exploring and the never ending spiderquest. So buy the ceremony dress and do the ceremony. Wait for a wednesday and go again to the maid guild order and discuss the cave exploring. There will be now open the option with the seller Karmen. She is important for the Elena girlquest.(Camping equipment) So after the discuss go to city by home. You find Karmen she goes mad with you. So got back to maidguild discuss it. After that go to mall and you get there the option for bikinis for your girls and slaves. Nighty for the new girl (1.6) Dont waste your money at the beginning there.
After the discuss at mall go back to Karmen. Now you can buy health potions for 50$ each. I would say you should buy min 10.

After school befor leaving Sophie will tell you something about fame. If you get that sceen you can now go to governant building and get take the first(and never ending) quest. Spider killing quest. If you have it you can start now with cave exploration.
At the beginning i had only start with 1-2 steps inside of the cave and leave it when hp of sophie is going down. If you have got a lot of health potions you can go farther.
Dont use health potion in fight at low level. Sophie will loose more hp then potion will heal.

I have really start exploring if she had reach level 2 and got some hp pots. So your daily actions will be now. If you have enough money for health potions you can save every single step in cave to get a spider that you can kill. That raise the level of sophie much faster. I have done this every time. Yes i know its a cruel but you have an high fooddrain for every step. So i want the maximal result there.

The routine should be now:
Stand up, got to bathroom, get +50 speech. Go kitchen do workout. Save befor first class unit ends. Load by negativ result. Do next class unti, leave school.
Go to governant building refresh your spiderquest. Leave the building go to fuel station, eat there buy 1 pickaxe. Go to cave and go only the right side. The right mining Spot got the follow results -> Best 3xgold, 2. 5xSilver, 3. 1xRuby, worst 8x carbon
My tip is save directly after you press "yes" at ming spot. So you can load and get the result that you want.
Do Homework/pizza job. At night go to bathroom and get +50 speech.
Stand up, got to bathroom, get +50 speech. Go kitchen do workout.
Go to governant building refresh your spiderquest.
Leave the building go to fuel station, eat there buy 1 pickaxe. Go to cave and go only the right side.
Do Homework/pizza job. At night go to bathroom and get +50 speech.

If Sophie reach level 5-6 you can start now with the left side too with mining spot. Becarful the last encounter have 1500 hp so check out Sophie will survive him. The result of the left side miningspot are -> Best 5xgold/3xRuby,2. 1x Diamond(1 Diamond is needed for the platin card upgrade at beach bar), worst 8xsilver.
You get some silver and gold from the wormboss too.

The routine should be now:
Stand up, got to bathroom, get +50 speech. Go kitchen do workout. Save befor first class unit ends. Load by negativ result.
Leave classroom and go directly to cafe eat there vegetarys (12$) and go directly back to classroom and continue class.
Leave the school.
Go to governant building refresh your spiderquest. Leave the building go to fuel station, eat there buy 2 pickaxe. Go to cave and go the right side and then the left side.
The right mining Spot got the follow results -> Best 3xgold, 2. 5xSilver, 3. 1xRuby, worst 8x carbon
The left mining spot got Best 5xgold/3xRuby,2. 1x Diamond, worst 8xsilver.
Do Homework/pizza job. At night go to bathroom and get +50 speech.
Stand up, got to bathroom, get +50 speech. Go kitchen do workout.
Go to governant building refresh your spiderquest.
Leave the building go to fuel station, eat there buy 2 pickaxe. Go to cave.
Do Homework/pizza job. At night go to bathroom and get +50 speech.

You will see that Sophie dont need any hp pots anymore until she reach lvl 8. To continue your quests later you should raise her lvl to 11. Then you can continue with the other Quests. Delivery and the slime boss you need Sophie with full hp and lvl 11. For every fightstep save the game. Use the manaskills first and then the normal attacks. She should not fail any attack or you will loose against it.

After you have rescue and do the next quest where you must help the librian again(Content with libarian ends here) you will get a sceen at school after class where keo are going mad with Elisa. This open the slave content, girlfriend quests(only Carol and Elena are availble) and the carwash.

Dont do the deilivery quest for cemetry now!!! You will loose -500 strength.

After a week you should get your new girlfriend that can be come to your home and help you with the quests and can be stay over night. (Sexscene is random, save and load if you want to have it).

The follow days are coming a sceen at school with keo's mother and the option to fuck Olivia(only 1 time event). On next day visit olivia again and meet here at school park. This will be open the option to work at spa in City Center by Home. You must work some times there to get the massage training and fuck sceen there(1 time event)
Olivias Content end there)

On next day or some more days a new event will come to you after class continue until you have the meeting. Iam not sure what kind of answers could bring you problems. That should boost your speech +500. Congratulation you are now a Master of two happy slaves. Wow

Okay for someone who had problems to find Elisa at school, she stays in the area of the director office, but well there is a problem that keo is seen everywhere -.- really?!

Well to solve that problem and to use your slaves as promotion to get more popularity(i dont know for what). You enter the director hall and leave it and you repeat it until the sceen switch and you see your girlfriend is there and not keo. Yeah thats really fucking me up, one of these mechanics that really fuck up the player.

So at first you can use your slaves 2 times each week, so do it.
Dont let your girlfriend coming to your home, or you cannot do the morningworkout with Sophie in the morning!!!

After some time there should be a sceen comes up with the gym. That is the content that you should do befor going to cemetry. If you can enter and speak to the gymowner, she will tells you need 3000 strength to train there.
And you should get the silvercard for the beach bar. But dont forget dont enter it yet as costumer(-100 Fame) for every entry. Use the fame only to upgrade the membercard. You need the gold card to get the carwash. Platin give you some more money if your slaves working there. Silvercard costs you 1500 fame, Gold 10.000$ + 3000 Fame, Platin 1 Diamond + 5000 Fame.

So for everyone who have now idea why i say that game is really a cruel now the person should count how much spiderquest must be dont to get 9500 Fame. You can read my posts about it i dont want to write more about the complete fucking mechanic and logic fail.

Beachbar got an sexscene with Lady X that can be repeat every So. You must pay 5000$ to the barkeeper and then you can fuck her. But remember to fuck her you must enter the beach bar -100 Fame and you only get some money for it 250$-1000$ for the fuck.

If you reach the 3000 strength, Sophie should be lvl 25+ and you can do the gymquest. Talk to the gymowner you tell her you have the 3000 and she deny your request but dont worry your gymteacher of the school will help you, she will sit inside of the gym just speak to her and the gymstory continue. Well you need 10000$ to get the gym, well should be not really a problem.
I have just do my dailyroutine and had start the Girlfriendquest with Elena and Carol until i own the gym then i had start with the cemetry.

If you own the gym you can go to mall and speak to Willow she will be your next girlfriend.

For your weekly routine you should set the advertisment and claim the money for gym at tuesday. Because at monday you pay the beautytreatment and lost gametime. So the gym is closed.

I will now test the content with the new slave and carwash again with the new fix. The Carwash can be buy by Lady Victoria if you got the gold membercard. All other things can be found here thx

So update here is how you get all new quest

Mary the mechanic
1: to trigger her new quest go to gas station let the scenes play.
2: after that next day go to your car wash and use the option to do maintenance mary will come and after that talk to her when she is in the chair let the scene play.
3: again go back to the gas station and let the new scene play.
4: go back to the car washyou need to have 30k cash btw and repeat what you did in step 2 let the scene play.
5: go to the mall and let the scene play enjoy after that is just buy her what she ask for and thats it you can have sex with her at work and at you house.

New Slave Jaye

1: you meet her first time when she's been bullying in the school and you save her.
2: after that go and talk to Elisa in school at the usual spot.
3: next day in school go to the garden save Jaye again.
4: go and talk to lady Victoria about Jaye.
5: talk to Morgana she is the warrior in the first floor of lady Victoria building far right have the money to buy Jaye.
6: Go back to your house let the scene play after this you can ahve sex with her like you other slaves buy her a swimsuit and enjoy.
Last edited:


Nov 30, 2018
I never get the scene with Keo. Its been 3 weeks and still nothing triggers. I did not see the girls at the home at all and you cant do anything in the school. My quest log does not show anything new. Last one there is ritual of binding or whatever which I did.


May 31, 2017
I never get the scene with Keo. Its been 3 weeks and still nothing triggers. I did not see the girls at the home at all and you cant do anything in the school. My quest log does not show anything new. Last one there is ritual of binding or whatever which I did.
What kind of Sceen with her did you mean?


May 31, 2017
The ritual of submission is just the first step, did you read the walkthrough what i had update and write it down just a half hour ago?
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