Coming to this game new (I see it's a remake - hence the "R" no doubt - surprising I can't see Credits info on the front page of the game, so no details of the team, or the build, or ... anything) ... I haven't got very far into it, & I may return, but some comments on impressions so far.
A. Plus:
1) Great title, draws you in (or draws me in, at least). Lots of girls with (sexual desires and?) ultra-mean minds ... an army of dominas, even.
2) Artwork for the most part good, some of it great, a lot of realism for a cartoon type of VN, ... with one immense exception ... see B1)
3) General concept of the story & its ideas have all sorts of potential. I'd have hoped a bit sooner for more acts of dominating behavior from the women towards the little guy and his ... little guy. (Call me cheap ... I don't care

4) Got to like the few liberties the women take: e.g. the captain who damn near boob-suffocates the unsuspecting MC on first encountering him.
B. Minus:
1) Over-massive mammaries make a mock of the sex. Big: good; very big: bonus. But when it gets (as here) to the point where there's no way the women could even staty standing - and make Lara Croft (original version) look flat-chested by comparison - something's gone wrong. Comedy value, ok, but counter-productive. Can't even take the fantasy seriously when it gets to zeppelin dimensions!
2) The MC in formal private school uniform, and looks about 12. Oh, come on ... a proper organ-shrinker ... Comedy value? Well, ok ...
3) English text version could do with a lot of tuning. Yes, I know it's time and money, but not necessarily much. It also means:
4) When the text is not as engaging, interesting, spicy as it could be, that immediately makes the game more of a grind than it should be: click, click, click, "let's get to a scene" ....
5) When the MC is escorted from the initial hall scene, & the youngest girl shows him a sports car for a drive round the city or something, I sorta lose interest ... Next stop, a Formula 1 GP event, where they eat hot dogs together and talk about Kanye & the Kardashians? A bit banal and a letdown, is what I mean. Give us a spaceship, a teleporter, something a bit more exciting than a sports car spin ...
So maybe it's not for me.
But potential for sure.