so far so nice..bit of engrish..not much..BUT..really needs a transition skip...the wait is annoying AF

otherwise i like the look and premise..
.sorry Mina...big mouth redhead always wins
Right, lack of text skipping is annoying, cause developer should understand mechanics most gamers do follow when game has so many branching. Player save at checkpoints and trying alternate branches to figure out best path to follow, and you can imaging how frustrating it comes when you go over same text again and again. Also, the coolest thing of renpy is ability to scroll forward and backward over text, if you want to reconsider options, can be saved at any point, but here, save is available only at free roam, so if you bump into dialog with new character, you are out lack to establish save point, and if you are not happy with outcome you have to go over very sluggish replay process.
I understand developer picked unity due to feeling it is more protected from inquisitive players who would decompose rpyc to look into logic. But, gosh, I like so much this game setting, art and story but sluggish Unity just kills me, as I spend enormous amount of time to cycle trough screen. We are all people with busy life and can’t devote so much time to mess with bad UI.