I see a lot of potential in this game.
Interesting models that aren't cookie cutter perfection.
Interesting conceptual story and how it may play out.
Map looks nice, and the travel seems good.
I liked the combat, wished it was a bit more visual though, or animations.
Lots of typos and wrong word/grammar errors. Try one of these grammar checkers to help with all the typos
Lacks a glossary on what the icons next to a choice means.
Lacks explanation on difference between yellow and white text?
Some repeating lines like kat asking if she is gonna get pounded after you have visited her in the kitchen (this may have been because of speed ups?)
Game is a bit heavy on the amount of Menus
The "fast forward" shuts itself off whenever a choice pops up or something changes. The player should control that.
Not knowing when a thing will change the time. Like being able to travel to and fro between multiple destinations, but sex with gypsy lady in the day turns it to night.
A bunch of the sex scenes look odd/ridiculous, the first scene in game the irish girls cloth flap jumps and down, or the pottery lady with the dangling saliva, or the first scene with kat where the characters are flying and the wall moves, etc. It would probably be better to make better animations with much better looping. Maybe check out other games with good animation and try to make yours better? Bad animations can kill a game.
A bit heavy on the bloom lighting like in the Anna dream.
The weird effect when the scenes are going like the slight swirl almost swimming/wavy feeling is off putting almost makes you feel drunk.
The extreme slowness of the game. I don't know if this is an optimization issue or a deliberate concept, just clicking anything seems to take a second or two instead of instant, and I don't mean the image transitions or the map.
At the end of the chapter, the game says I didn't romance mina, yet it shows her crossed out, I did also go with kat though, however how would mina know?
Was unsure about Robin, I didn't say anything bad and avoided mentioning naked, but says I didn't romance her, but she doesn't show up anymore. I also skipped the redhead at the start, so unsure if any problems there.
Pottery lady on second cock suck visit seems to maybe break the game. (I did this after I finished the chapter, had a saving at the top left of the screen that never went away and like I said nothing happened just showed the image of her after finishes cumming.
Hopefully more mechanics in future versions.
Hopefully with so many choices in partners, we get a huge amount of positions.
If you need a better/smaller image type do Webp, if you need a better/smaller audio type do Opus.
Sad on no Incest, when you have the mother and sisters/cousin in the game, especially when she wants the lineage to carry on, and with it being the olden days where that wasn't really frowned on.
Ability to change font on the fly, so anything that looks confusing can easily be read.