
Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 13, 2019
hey my game is crashing when i start it at title screen. anyone with the same issue and knows what to do? ty looks great btw
Hi there. Someone told me the same issue, I answer him and I didn't heard back so, I don't know if his issue was solved.

I tell him this:
"I assume you're playing on windows.

I know that while the Engine is loading (it takes 10-20 seconds) where you see the cursor in "thinking mode". I think if you click in those moments, the game may crash.

If you launch the game, and you wait for it to load, never loads? crashes? how many time pass before the crash? Are your computer high or low end? "

If you keep having problems after having this, can you check if you have this file in your computer C:\Users\%YourUserName%\AppData\LocalLow\SeventhVixen\BattleforLuvia and send me via message your output.log? Or your player.log if you find a Unity folder nearby.
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May 16, 2017
the game is great. so many possibilities amaze me. I know this is off topic but i want to ask. I dont understand English very well and I use ReiPatcher AutoTranslator(BepInEx) for translate in game. he gives out squares. maybe someone knows how to fix this problem?
PS. so I already did:
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Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 13, 2019
Does this game have animated scenes? And incest content? Mom son?
All sex scenes are animated with some different methods (as I was experimenting), from minimalistic fades between low quantity of frames (the ones I like the most), to classic just frame skipping (Where I show that I don't have a computer to make that right xD), to a test and somewhat clunky rigged one.

Some are good, some are bad, but yeah, is animated.

There is no incest between close relatives, just don't fit the story I want to tell. And there is not going to be any kind of incest patch. (I love rendering modern time incest silly stories in my free time, but is just not for this game xD)


Engaged Member
May 11, 2017
I see a lot of potential in this game.

Interesting models that aren't cookie cutter perfection.

Interesting conceptual story and how it may play out.

Map looks nice, and the travel seems good.

I liked the combat, wished it was a bit more visual though, or animations.

Lots of typos and wrong word/grammar errors. Try one of these grammar checkers to help with all the typos

Lacks a glossary on what the icons next to a choice means.

Lacks explanation on difference between yellow and white text?

Some repeating lines like kat asking if she is gonna get pounded after you have visited her in the kitchen (this may have been because of speed ups?)

Game is a bit heavy on the amount of Menus

The "fast forward" shuts itself off whenever a choice pops up or something changes. The player should control that.

Not knowing when a thing will change the time. Like being able to travel to and fro between multiple destinations, but sex with gypsy lady in the day turns it to night.

A bunch of the sex scenes look odd/ridiculous, the first scene in game the irish girls cloth flap jumps and down, or the pottery lady with the dangling saliva, or the first scene with kat where the characters are flying and the wall moves, etc. It would probably be better to make better animations with much better looping. Maybe check out other games with good animation and try to make yours better? Bad animations can kill a game.

A bit heavy on the bloom lighting like in the Anna dream.

The weird effect when the scenes are going like the slight swirl almost swimming/wavy feeling is off putting almost makes you feel drunk.

The extreme slowness of the game. I don't know if this is an optimization issue or a deliberate concept, just clicking anything seems to take a second or two instead of instant, and I don't mean the image transitions or the map.

At the end of the chapter, the game says I didn't romance mina, yet it shows her crossed out, I did also go with kat though, however how would mina know?

Was unsure about Robin, I didn't say anything bad and avoided mentioning naked, but says I didn't romance her, but she doesn't show up anymore. I also skipped the redhead at the start, so unsure if any problems there.

Pottery lady on second cock suck visit seems to maybe break the game. (I did this after I finished the chapter, had a saving at the top left of the screen that never went away and like I said nothing happened just showed the image of her after finishes cumming.

Hopefully more mechanics in future versions.

Hopefully with so many choices in partners, we get a huge amount of positions.

If you need a better/smaller image type do Webp, if you need a better/smaller audio type do Opus.

Sad on no Incest, when you have the mother and sisters/cousin in the game, especially when she wants the lineage to carry on, and with it being the olden days where that wasn't really frowned on.

Ability to change font on the fly, so anything that looks confusing can easily be read.
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Reactions: Joey the mangaka


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 13, 2019
Pottery lady on second cock suck visit seems to maybe break the game. (I did this after I finished the chapter, had a saving at the top left of the screen that never went away and like I said nothing happened just showed the image of her after finishes cumming.
That's a graphic bug, you're the first reporting and I'll go to fix it, lots of thanks ;) In fact, most second times you repeat the sex scene are not adequately worked yet with some of the girls (maybe there are only some little variance on dialogues). For a first public release I just wanted to show most content (of Seconday nature beyong the Main Story) that made sense that was ready, and some of it, was not fully ready (But some users really appreciate the inclusion)

There's a lot of good feedback there, I really appreciate it. Most issues you mentioned are expected to be worked on (like changing the font) and all pacing-timing related issues. Releasing this piece of garbage that I love has taken around 2.000 hours of work, so now that is in the public I have help finding the most glaring issues ;) Now that is live I will be progressively adjusting all the weak spots..

PS: When I was not released, I had a very very hard time finding testers.

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Reactions: Joey the mangaka


Jul 17, 2018
Gotta say this game is really well put together and has a good story plot. Definitely needs work on the spelling and grammar as I did struggle to read it as an English speaker.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 13, 2019
Gotta say this game is really well put together and has a good story plot. Definitely needs work on the spelling and grammar as I did struggle to read it as an English speaker.

I'll eventually find help with that, I've done as I've could, but well, also improving on that :p
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Engaged Member
May 11, 2017
Everything I said wasn't meant to be disparaging or complaining, just pure opinion on what I saw.

I do really like the game and hope it becomes big, but in popularity and content.

The Mina and Kat scenes seemed to work out fine, I didn't get to do all of them twice, like anal, but the vag worked good. Same with the leader and door sitting gypsy. All the others that had repeating content only pottery had the problem.

I checked liliana and she seemed fine, couldn't check Robin, since no matter what I do the inn is always busy after the mercs go away.

The game only uses the left side keys of the keyboard, can't use the ctrl+shift on the right side.

Watching the game on fast forward shows you how much the game swirls.
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Engaged Member
May 11, 2017
Unsure why, loading my manual save right at the decision with baralis for extreme/nice has the save in the top left continue writing itself forever. Just keeps repeating it is saving adventure then the letters go away and pop up again. It seems to fix if you force another auto save.

Robin pussy fuck has view 1 , view 2, view 2, view 2.

Robin's sex scenes allow you to do all of them in one night, and repeat them. I would say if you allow that, make sure to have at least some text about cum swapping, since eating her out after creampie is gonna have some. I was able to do eat, pussy anal, eat, pussy then it finally moved me off. All the repeats during that were fine, unsure if there are any later.

With having full points for the family, and no incest, felt kind of silly buying the vase for the mother. She already likes you, so no point in trying to please her even if you slightly anger her.

In the parchment menu (all the info on the people), if you "scroll" it forward who is attached to what also moves by a few places, so two clicks and for example Sir Roman gets the info for Anna, and the later ones have nothing. Also slightly weird to have the daughters of Akros and not the mother as just Family of Akros.

On the map a few of the locations lack people, I hope they get filled by some, to make it worthwhile to go everywhere.

In romance progress. Minerva shows only a potion even though there is the hand and tit job, but the 2 other gypsies show bj, pussy, anal as highlighted, when you can only pussy one of them anyways. Kat seems to have no anal stat yet you can do that with her.

It would be nice if when you met someone the parchment version of them filled in to a colored version to differentiate, like meeting the youngest akros sister but not the other yet, she would be more colorful.

With romance open clicking Escape closes the background main menu and not the romance one.

Show leads button is "crossed" but I thought that was a check and uncrossing it makes them show up. Slight confusing for people who have played games. just have it uncrossed at the start and not showing the leads, then clicking the cross and have it show leads. anything in a checkbox is more like a check than an X, unless stated otherwise which can be confusing if you don't state that.

If you show the leads, leave the menu fully then come back, it should still show them but you have two reset it.

The scroll bars are weird that they start and end a 6th of the way into the scroll. Like the one for the map most of it doesn't even get used. Then in the item area you have a clicker instead of scrolling, might want to keep things simple and stick with 1.

Better sounds/porn sounds would be nice. Things that might better fit each character.

Inability to just click through to starting the game, don't get me wrong your intro is nice, but having to do the weird keys to fast forward comparable to any AAA main stream game where you can just click to skip straight to menu after seeing it once.

Also loading seems really heavy on the game.

Unsure how big you are hoping to make the game since I saw 20 romanceables in the list. Seems a bit low on the 6 or so chapters of the story unless they are very short.

The barony scrolling on the left is kind of highlighted background compared to the rest and people on the right, plus it lacks a scrollbar. You may want to look into polishing and shrinking some menus.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 13, 2019
somebodynobody nice little fixes to do report. I'm on it. If you play on keep looking for them you could join the discord, it's public, is easier for making little fixes, bugs, and taking suggestions.

Yes, loading is heavy in the game because the game is heavy; Also I should mention continuous Loading of the game have provoked bugs in the past (on what is shown on the menu, like not being able to check the anals on Kat could maybe a loading problem, or not.). As more people play and more people report problems I will being able to fix them. Due to the extended branching nature of the game, I cannot test them only by myself. Thanks for reporting everthing!

pasha823 I added chinesse to the game, so I guess I will able to add cyrilic too. But of course until there is a translation is not much of a help.

Stefan30 did you delete the steamapi**.txt that was on the folder of the game? With that txt, the game should not try to interact with Steam
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Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 13, 2019
With having full points for the family, and no incest, felt kind of silly buying the vase for the mother. She already likes you, so no point in trying to please her even if you slightly anger her.
I'll clarify this game-wise; Many actions that will only have sense on future chapters are already possible to do in chapter 1, like giving the vase to mother. Note that in the future you could give that vase to another person too. Is like start to building the castle or not; Has no repercussion as story cuts at that point.
In the same flair, many interactions that you can't do yet are coded but requires objects that you will acquire in the future.

The "General level of good or bad relationship with characters" that is present on the game doesn't affect much Chapter One (Only some minor effects on some characters). Chapter One is just the start and some minor choices still don't matter, as the importance of the Cardinal Stats (Piety, Lewdness, etc). But of course they need to be registered since the start of the game so they are there.

The story is written from start to finish, just the some gaps are to be filled in the progress of coding the complete game; Also, when will be ready, many places available on Chapter One are meant to be played in any order while also visiting locations on Chapter Two.

And is normal some things about Side Characters may feel lingering in Chapter One (being story wise or in the if the code is better written), as they could have or have not included in the first release, but they will be well worked better when their side stories have continuity in next releases ;)
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Apr 30, 2017
Hey there, great game! Truly! I really like the atmosphere and the level of thought that went into creating this specific world.

However, there's a really annoying problem, at least for me, with the game. It seems to cause an extreme amount of stress on my graphics card. I get some truly horrible coil whine and the fans are going bonkers. Now, this is not exactly news with unity games but could you probably look into a fix for that? I don't know what is causing this kind of stress. Maybe uncapped fps? It could make sense since these sort of visual novels don't really need that and that's why it's going haywire.

I can play other unity games that don't cause any problems, just to make that clear. Anyway, good luck with your endeavors.
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Reactions: SeventhVixen

Joey the mangaka

Engaged Member
Sep 18, 2018
This its the discord

And this the patreon


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 13, 2019
However, there's a really annoying problem, at least for me, with the game. It seems to cause an extreme amount of stress on my graphics card. I get some truly horrible coil whine and the fans are going bonkers. Now, this is not exactly news with unity games but could you probably look into a fix for that? I don't know what is causing this kind of stress. Maybe uncapped fps? It could make sense since these sort of visual novels don't really need that and that's why it's going haywire.
Hey there, perfomance is a thing that need a lot of feedback and depends a lot on the computer of the user. Most player don't have any perfomance issue (as far as I know, or not problematic) so I have to get reports from the people who have in order to see if I could anything for future updates. If you mind please send me all your computer specs, ram, graphics cards and such in a private message ;)


New Member
Oct 21, 2018
somebodynobody nice little fixes to do report. I'm on it. If you play on keep looking for them you could join the discord, it's public, is easier for making little fixes, bugs, and taking suggestions.

Yes, loading is heavy in the game because the game is heavy; Also I should mention continuous Loading of the game have provoked bugs in the past (on what is shown on the menu, like not being able to check the anals on Kat could maybe a loading problem, or not.). As more people play and more people report problems I will being able to fix them. Due to the extended branching nature of the game, I cannot test them only by myself. Thanks for reporting everthing!

pasha823 I added chinesse to the game, so I guess I will able to add cyrilic too. But of course until there is a translation is not much of a help.

Stefan30 did you delete the steamapi**.txt that was on the folder of the game? With that txt, the game should not try to interact with Steam
Deleted it. same problem. "an error occurred while updating. app configuration unavailable"


May 13, 2019
I want to like it, but it is kind of slow. I don't mean story pacing, I mean that the transitions and fade-aways between scenes, frames, and even lines of dialog all take too long. There are far too many moment where it hangs awkwardly on a single frame before slowly fading into the next image. Any one of those issues on their own would be irritating, but as is I just can't enjoy what is otherwise a unique and delightful game.
Agree, it breaks immersion. And the MC's cock is leg sized, it's borderline comical and distracting.
Other than that, the game has potential.
4.40 star(s) 64 Votes