4.00 star(s) 7 Votes


New Member
Oct 19, 2021
one of great rpg maker game i ever played, but how i pass the sewer puzzle? it bit confusing for me lmao Screenshot_2023-10-15-15-05-59-905_cyou.joiplay.joiplay.jpg


Active Member
Oct 27, 2021
one of great rpg maker game i ever played, but how i pass the sewer puzzle? it bit confusing for me lmao View attachment 3007274
Oh, that one.... Yeah, that one just takes some looking around to get. You just gotta make sure you don't miss any jump points. If you're stuck on the 'yellow' switch, it's... um, I think somewhere on the south end of the map. I gotta a little lsot there too... It's not hard, you just gotta make sure you don't miss any spots.

...Not nearly as annoying as that segment where you get chase while being sniped at... Ugh, I HATED that segment.


Active Member
Oct 27, 2021
So, I have to admit, and this is based on my run on the dom route because, why the fuck would I play the sub route?
Anyway, the game isn't especially long and is more 'anti-grind' and action heavy, but it's good. Like, legit good.

Sure, some of the events should just be repeatable with the girls, 'recollections' room or not, but other than minor little aesthetic things, I can't complain about the gameplay other than some segments/boss encounters being way harder than they need to be without save scumming the crap outta the game bc, yikes... being chased while being sniped at, or that stupid stealth mission were way harder than they needed to be imho. Yeah, they're doable, but they aren't what I'd call fun if you have to do them like, a dozen times. Same with some the fight against Lilith. She's just so much faster than you and the game doesn't really encourage grinding. It's kinda souls-like, but less trial and error and more RNG, which sucked.

On the upside, I liked the harem building and, at least on the dom route and assuming that his dialogue and motivations arne't any different regardless or route, I could relate to the MC me and and his motivations to protect his girls and take the least shitty option.

The 'grey vs grey' morality of the dystopian setting was... surprisingly very believable. Not dark, but not outright 'good' either. Though, I gotta admit that working for a military dictatorship did make me feel sick to my stomach, but I suppose that's kinda the point... making the best out of a shit situation. Plus, that bit later on after 'joining' them did put their situation in a slightly better perspective.

All in all, this game is honestly really good, flaws in difficulty balance aside.
Oh, and the girls all had REALLY NICE ASSES.


New Member
Oct 19, 2021
Oh, that one.... Yeah, that one just takes some looking around to get. You just gotta make sure you don't miss any jump points. If you're stuck on the 'yellow' switch, it's... um, I think somewhere on the south end of the map. I gotta a little lsot there too... It's not hard, you just gotta make sure you don't miss any spots.

...Not nearly as annoying as that segment where you get chase while being sniped at... Ugh, I HATED that segment.
okay i lil bit understand, but what about objective, or is there any point of scene trigger (usually like star shining shaped or something like that lmao)?

edit: nvm, i found the door lmao, thanks
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New Member
Feb 7, 2018
So I may be blind but is there a way to hide the big portraits taking up the lower third of the screen?
I'd rather like to see what they block and only toggle them in when I truly am interested in seeing the stat values (even then they are really far too big).
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Active Member
Oct 27, 2021
My one real complaint about this game's story is how stupidly closed minded the whole cast is sometimes.
Take the MC's denial about the tomato in the mirror about his situation... Not a fan of that.
Then there's everyone's reaction to the Paladins. Okay, self defense for the MC is one thing, I can let that slide, but the way Clara and (especially) Scarlet's attitude towards a complete unknown is retarded. Like, they don't know anything about them and just jump to the conclusion that they are inherently bad or that they give two shits about them when the guy laid out point blank what they're mission was.

I get that's the world they live in but being willfully ignorant is the worst sin and if they keep this up, their world deserves to burn in hell. I have enough of that self serving stupidity irl so seeing it in a game, especially for this weird ass reverse isekai, is honestly kinda annoying because I just can't help but shake my head ad how stupid their choices are sometimes.... Like, they are INCREDIBLY lucky that the Paladins aren't interested in revenge. I'm just not a fan of these willfully stupid choices... and the Military is hardly any better. I mean, if everyone's only solution is 'kill them all', than mankind deserves to die out and/or be wiped out.
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May 20, 2022
My one real complaint about this game's story is how stupidly closed minded the whole cast is sometimes.
Take the MC's denial about the tomato in the mirror about his situation... Not a fan of that.
Then there's everyone's reaction to the Paladins. Okay, self defense for the MC is one thing, I can let that slide.
But the way Clara and (especially) Scarlet's attitude towards a complete unknown is retarded. Like, they don't know about them and just to conclusions that they aren't inherently bad or that they give two shits about them when the guy laid out point blank what they're mission was.

I get that's the world they live in but being willfully ignorant is the worst sin and if they keep this up, their world deserves to burn in hell. I have enough of that self serving stupidity irl so seeing it in a game, especially for this weird ass reverse isekai, is honestly kinda annoying because I just can't help but shake my head ad how stupid they're choices are.... Like, they are INCREDIBLY lucky that they Paladins aren't interested in revenge. I'm just a fan of these willfully stupid choices... and the Military is hardly any better. I mean, if everyone's only solution is 'kill them all', than mankind deserves to die and be wiped out.
presenting real life inspired events xD


Dec 11, 2020
NGL, big sub route guy but the biggest problems i have is they're way too nice to the MC, not enough kinky action in general and basically it's more of a decently fun RPG checking the price for me is a fucking no go i'll be real

But if it's "early access" it can't be truly finished right? so many missed opportunities
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New Member
Jul 21, 2022
I get a bug black screen when i got mission talk to bri -> go bat night hq defeat rider -> go home -> scene with bri -> rest and bug black screen. Need help


Jun 19, 2018
Ok so overall I really liked the game, but I did have 1 big problem with the last update. Namely that it felt inconsistent with the rest of the game at some points. Overall it felt kinda rushed and some of the logic was really forced, like the general handing over power to you out of nowhere.

Also during the military story line, the protagonist is pretending to be the leader of the group, but in the last update this seems to be completely forgotten about, and Clara is once again acting like the boss right in front of Sonya. She is also handed the pm posistion, which as far as the military is concenred should be handed to the protagonist. I would be fine with the protagonist refusing this and handing it over to Clara, but the military just directly giving it to her is completely out of the left field and makes no sense. To be clear I played the dom route and have no idea what the sub route is like, but a lot of the story scenes in the last update left me wondering if the game was bugged out and had transfered me over to the sub route, that is how out of place some of it felt.

Also after I transfered my saves from 0.4.3 to 1.0b the status bubble of the protagonist dissapeared from the bottom of the screen, the other bubbles were still there but not the protagonists. I think this was probably a bug?


May 8, 2018
Is the game suppose to be unplayable after a certain point?

I just die turn one VS the army w/ malhari's men and get a game over, I don't even get to play.
This is with kevlar suit & everything else, I don't even get a turn and on the rare chance that I do, I'm at 11 HP vs 6 enemies.

EDIT: Yeah, I'm done, it's just unplayable.
I don't even get a turn, it gets skipped constantly and malhari's men are as useful as a 2nd asshole.
It's either use cheats or uninstall and going to have to select the latter here,
Holy shit, what awful design.
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Jul 16, 2018
Is there a walkthrough somewhere? I haven't played in a long long time and I don't recall what the hell I'm supposed to do. It's just after finishing the first mission and I'm back at the warehouse with everyone congratulating me and all.


New Member
Jul 30, 2018
Awesome game I love the story and the mechanics the text its great at first I was like skiping but then got my interest, love the game and love to see updates, also love the H-scenes I will buy the game when is full released and I dont mind give you donations each month as long as you keep doing this awesome work I will start on January. Keep doing an awesome job want to see more about this game. also I will give a check on your other games.
4.00 star(s) 7 Votes