ok so if i run the game as administrator i can save my game
but run it normally the save file will disappear, the save file will reappear if i run it as administrator again... odd but at least i can save the game now
Weird, I can't say I've heard of something like this before. The save is simply located in "C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\BE_Witches", nothing too crazy. It's good to know you found a workaround at least! I'm not too sure what I could do about this...
Incredible game, dev. I spent the past few days going through it and managed to finally beat Nightmare after finally grasping how to swap more than 2 oyons at once. I think you've got something really nice here, although I'll have to echo some of the criticisms others have levied against it here (Thank you for making me hate giraffes! Very cool!). Still, it was cute, bubbly, colorful, and basically everything I wanted from an actual attempt at a game of this specific combination of genres. All that said, I think constructive criticism is best presented in the format of a list of specific requests to address actual pain points during my playthrough, so I'm going to do exactly that as I think of them. In no particular order, all my mechanics-related feedback:
>The Lip Shapes are way too hard to see in the peripheral vision while managing your board. They stay still for long periods of time and aren't majority-white like the other Shapes. Literally just make them 50% bigger with a thicker white outline and it's problem-solved.
>Minor gripe but the Giraffe Shapes are just like 25% too tanky for my liking. They demand my immediate attention in a way no other Shape quite does and it gets a bit annoying against the enemies who really spam them.
>It took me several attempts at Nightmare before I realized that she just straight-up has an instant-kill attack if you let it go on too long. This MUST be communicated to the player somehow, because it completely invalidates slow-clear strategies and can seem completely baffling as to *why* you died so suddenly despite being at 100% HP just moments prior
>I genuinely think color affinities as-is are a poor game design choice when compounded with limited Fei types per area. It creates a triangle of tradeoffs between carrying enough spare spells, not filling your inventory too much, and not wanting to spend too much time menuing and deliberating over your builds per character (you have to do this ANYWAY every area because of limited Fei color availability) -- JUST so you don't get screwed over by a rogue resistance/nullification you didn't account for. It would be much better to play it Megaman-style where each enemy just has a single color they're weak against and no actual resistances
>I understand the story reason why you don't get Alma at the start of the game, but it'd be best to put a basic journal with the player from the start so they can view a collection of basic gameplay tips. The bestiary and such can remain inaccessible until you get Alma -- that's fine.
>Speaking of tips, the UI has a pretty steep learning curve. I suggest putting a nested help button inside the help button that will just show a labelled screenshot of all the UI components on screen with some big, very-obvious arrows pointing to each element with a description of what each does.
>T's witch power is very-very-very difficult not to accidentally mess yourself up with by placing it over a space (by accident, usually, because her charge time is longer than the others for some reason I cannot particularly fathom), having an oyon move there (relevant in the gravity shenanigans section usually), and then happening to right-click right there to execute your move on the board only to have T's witch power instead kick the bomb a little to the side, creating this mental dissonance that takes a half-second to resolve (in which time your combo has just died). I IMPLORE you to make the bombs unkickable and to instead make T's uncharged witch power just gently launch the bombs in the direction you're facing a little distance by default.
>The difficulty slider should reduce Shape health values. Shapes are *wildly* divisive even on a personal level for me. When I'm not annoyed, I enjoyed the extra challenge, but the moment they become annoying, they instantly become a "why did the dev even add this; I just want a relaxed puyo-like please" kind of thing.
>Relatedly, please add some kind of Relic that lets you temporarily fire your charged witch power without charging it up for a set period of time. This would take T from very frustrating to use to actually amazing.
>The way that gravity changes interact with board moves that you're setting up unfortunately just feels bad. I have no idea how you'd fix it, but it's frustrating to set up 5 of the last of a color of oyons to clear each other only to have the gravity change and make 3 of them smash into each other instead, ruining your perfect clear in a way you basically couldn't have reasonably stopped.
>Please make the game automatically buffer map movement inputs when holding down the relevant keys. Alternatively, make the fast map movement setting make the map movement even faster. It's almost like a slightly-bothersome rhythm game just to get from point A to point B, especially across large distances.
>Consider adding a level floor that brings up your unused characters to 70% of your highest-leveled witch's level. I rather regret reviving all the witches I did as early as I did, considering the 20 or 30 times I'll have to re-beat Nightmare to grind them up to level 22 each.
>I don't know where everyone else was getting their money from, but I was always flush with Crystals and bereft of cash. I wager you probably have your reasons for not allowing it, but I'd politely suggest letting SMASH kills at least drop a pittance of money
>The solution to getting to the secret hidden southern area in the forest is EVIL. I understand it's supposed to be harder to find, so I get why it can't be a green leaf, but couldn't you at least make it a slightly redder shade of orange? Maybe I missed a hint, though.
>Save points are a fine design choice, but I would suggest adding a Suspend feature, at the very least.
Now for the general content feedback/requests:
>I was so hyped to get Vuu commenting on her increasing figure (and the rest of the girls, too), but beyond the very first time Vuu grows, the diagetic-ness of it all falls way off. I wager you'll be addressing that, but I'd LOVE more self-commentary on the girls' growingness.
>Relatedly, I'd love to see more of the girls commenting on the growth of *each other* too! I understand how much writing that could involve, so it's fine if not everyone comments on everyone, but at least the main party would be nice.
>more butt expansion please. A LOT more of it, if possible! It's so criminal that Vuu's got such a plump little bubble butt sticking out behind her in her art and it doesn't get any bigger at all in any of her Rank-Ups... Also a crime that Rose's butt doesn't grow despite having it right in-frame in her art, too... Lots of crimes all around!
>Also more boob and butt talk in general would be great. Loved seeing those cute NPC girls in Sablee talking about how they'd love to get bigger.
>Very excited to see that you'll be focusing on getting overworld sprites tailored to each of the girl's sizes! That was going to be one of my complaints, but your dev talk addressed it very nicely.
Sorry for this post being mostly-negative. I consider your game an easy 8/10 so far. I just think that the post length would become unbearably huge if I were to *also* include the kind of praise that your game deserves along with the criticism. Good luck with your future gamedevving!
Thank you very much!
And no worries, I really appreciate you taking the time to list your criticism like this, it's only going to help me improve the game ^^
You have some very good points as well! I'll do my best to answer everything in order.
> I actually felt the same way about the Lip shape when I replayed it recently. I was thinking of having them move a bit faster, making them bigger makes sense too!
> I love the giraffes but I might be the only one lol. And I made their pattern a bit easier to read recently too! I'll look into their HP ^^
> That's fair! I wanted to add a special effect to the music once Nightmare starts casting that spell to help indicate that, but didn't have time for it. I also plan to add a few SFX and improve sound balance here and there, and one thing I want to do is to play an SFX when an enemy starts casting a spell/is close to casting a spell. The SFX in question would change depending on the spell'ss effect, which I think would help with this problem.
> This one is tough. One thing I know for sure is that resistances won't be introduced until later in the full game (same for buffs and debuffs). There is definitely some balance work to be done in general and I've been thinking about ways to make the whole spell switching depending on the area as painless as possible. I also think that having access to more characters will help a lot with this in that you can then use the most appropriate ones depending on the situation, but currently this is only an option near the last fourth of the demo. I need to experiment more with a few systems and the balance, basically! It'll take some effort to get something I'm fully satisfied with.
> I've been thinking about using that space to list the various tutorials as you find them yeah. Definitely not a bad idea!
> That would be ideal for sure, but it's a bit higher effort... I wonder if making it so the help button layers a bunch of instruction on top of what's shown on screen instead of the way it's currently done could help though. Not quite what you're describing, but it could be a nice improvement without requiring too much effort. I'll look into that! ^^
> Hmm, I have a friend who never misses an opportunity to complain about these, but I'm personally really happy with this heartpower. The reason it takes a bit longer to charge is that the bomb can wipe out almost anything over a very large area! So currently, left clicking a mine bumps it in the direction your heart is facing, and right clicking places a mine. Now that I think about it, making it so right click bumps a mine instead of placing one if applicable would be a very simple way to prevent this issue. Will do!
> This is also a good idea, I actually hadn't thought of that somehow. It seems so obvious in retrospect.
> There will definitely be some sort of relic / buff that does exactly that at some point ^^
> I'm afraid there isn't much to be done about that yeah... In such cases, it's mostly about savaging what you can and bouncing back as fast as possible. It might ruin a setup, but it can also open other opportunities!
> Holding keys to move in a direction will 100% be a thing in the future!
> This is more of a demo only issue, in that this many characters won't be available this early in the full game (and they might have set levels as well). Additionally, I'm thinking about implementing ways to very easily level up characters if needed to prevent grinding!
> Damn, and I increased money rewards not long ago too. I probably won't change SMASH kills but I can increase money rewards in general. I'll see if I can change that soon!
> This one is very difficult yeah. Chieko (the Biscotti alchemist,)does give you a hint about it, but this will probably be linked with an optional quest instead in the future ^^
> A suspend feature is planned!
> Yep, I want to do more of that! Both through the main story and through party events (where characters in the party start talking to each other about one subject or another while you explore). There were just so many concepts to introduce that I had to put this aside for now. Amplification will also be a more integral part of the story, I just made it available up to rank 5 in the demo!
> Same answer as the previous one! ^^
> Sadly I can't promise too much butt expansion (BE only is already a LOT of work), but some girls will have it without a doubt. Rose does have butt expansion btw! It's worth noting that both Vuu and Rose's art is quite old at this point and I'd like to redraw it eventually! So I'll see if I can make it more obvious for Rose ^^
> For sure! I also want more of this in item descriptions and such ^^
> And thank you! This is near the top of my priority list, I've actually been doing a lot of art related stuff recently, progress is being made there ^^
Thanks a lot again for all this! It was very interesting to think about and there were a lot of good suggestions on top, it really means a lot.
Though I need to make it clear that I won't be able to get to everything right away, especially as the game is currently in a bit of a transitional state as it's being ported to GameMaker 2, and I'm waiting for the next Long Term Stable version of GM2 (Q2 2025 apparently) to really get back into implementing/updating stuff hence my current focus on art stuff.
But again, thank you so much! ^^