Why can there not be a Selina+Rose path?
I hop Mc can a least fuck Rosa again, a update without is ist not worth to play
No Jade will not be in a relationship with MC alone cause the intended main love interests in the game are Selina, Jane, Lisa, Anna (or at least thats what we think, maybe a break-up with Lisa might be possible). As for your second point I'm not too sure what you're getting at.
its hurt isnt it get slapped by facts and reality ? haha . facts doesnt care about your feeling . keep sucking that creator dick and pray to him . if you believe need 5 month to make 30 m of gameplay its show how brainless you are . its why you all keep wasting money and brain cell while been laughed behind monitor . nerd ass
i think it has on l+j path.I wish if the game has some lesbian content too.
well yea except that's mostly 3some.There is but not much I wish there were more and I think that if Lisa discovers that you are with other girls she will leave you and she and Jade will become girlfriends
You'll be disappointed. No doubt there'll be more Emma content but the main love interests are Selina, Jane, Anna, Lisa & Lisa/Jade (if that persists to the end)i hope there is Emma ending.
i hope there is Emma ending.
emma who?i hope there is Emma ending.
i hope there is Emma ending.
No Emma route? FeelsBadManView attachment 1026083
I guess this is a scale of how big the update will be according to Jet.
View attachment 1026084
Its in the hands of Thea now.
nope. you can be nice to her but no sex.Will there be any incest with the sister??i mean should i focus on her too??
Yes, soon.Will there be any incest with the sister??i mean should i focus on her too??