Vln_ there is a problem with the download of the zip files in the OP. The full version .zip file says "become_someone_v143_gif_version" but the HTML file inside is actually
v1.42 and Dorothy's face images are missing in the img folder as well.
The patch has the right HTMLfile but is missing Dorothy's face images as well. (fixed)
Maybe that's the reason some people can't meet Dorothy?
Please let the mods know so they can fix this, thank you
This patch you posted is correct
dunno about the full version because I can't download 7.55gb from Mega
Edit: The mods have at least fixed the "Update only", which is now correct
However the "Full" version still has the wrong HTML and is missing Dorothy's face images.
If the mods used the file from
Vln_'s Mega link that means the full version they posted is a bust.
And the fact
Vln_ hasn't responded yet... I dunno...
PS: A message from the mod;
'Dev needs to fix that issue. '