No, I rendered everything at once as they are in the images, I only used Photoshop to add text to the polaroids and the "Enjoy!" card. The scenes with a lot of characters took a bit to render, but the longest render time was the night scene, the mansion has a ridiculous amount of polygons and I forgot to hide/delete everthing that wasn't going to show in the scene (and add to that, the grass), so my pc was crawling to make that one, it took me more than 3 hours
For the couch scene I noticed MC's shirt was clipping after I rendered and I was tired so I left it

Jill's "boyfriend shirt" however was the real nightmare, and I kind of gave up at some point. It has a lot of morph itself to open one side, both, make it hang, even if character is sitting or not but it was a pain in the ass, and I wanted that look for her at that moment.
I experienced what happens when dforce goes wild A LOT (Jill's wedding dress and veil are dforce items and I "simulated" them) and as you said it's pretty cool.... THE FIRST TIME, then it's a rage inducing moment
In any case, thanks for the advices. I've learnt a lot reading this forum and I hope I can learn even more.