I feel like a lot of the game's pacing issues come down to the episodic release structure - in a decade or so, once the entire game has come out, and a cliffhanger from the start of episode 9 doesn't mean waiting over two years only to end episode 11 on the same cliffhanger; only waiting less than a dozen hours of playtime to arrive at the resolution - at that point, the pacing will feel less painfully slow.
That's not to say that the game doesn't/won't still have its issues, but having an episode of moving pieces around setting up for payoff and the end of season 3 will be a lot more forgivable.
It would certainly help to play the game all at once, if for no other reason than you could see the end before you started a second run. But I think even in those circumstances the game is likely to feel repetitive and bloated at times because there just hasn't been a lot of forward movement lately. We're in a doldrums with too much side content and not enough main story. Those portions of games (or books/movies for that matter) still cause problems even without the long wait times.
To be fair, when Maya is similarly flabbergasted about this idea in game, Josy explains that they have tried to break Fuckface out of his funk with expressing sincere feels etc and none of that worked. So this is more of a last-ditch, "Whatever, if he insists on being the snowflake then maybe talking to his other head works better" attempt, and one that was most likely instigated to some degree by Arieth trying to peddle her sex toys to everyone in the HOT house.
Man if only we'd seen all these efforts! Seriously, I'd much rather have watched the character scenes and skipped over the last-ditch effort.
I recognize that sex scenes are what pay the bills so this is not a realistic option, but there was no excuse for skipping over the relationship building stuff. Well there is one, but it's a problematic one: the relationship IS shallow and no one wants to do anything about it. That's not an unreasonable read of the situation given the way things have gone, but it's one that seriously grinds my gears. I don't wan to fritter away Season 3 watching the trio ignore the problem (if not make matters worse) simply so DPC can avoid addressing the blindly obvious. I had enough of that in Season 2.
I think that, realistically, this is very strongly influenced by how attractive one finds the character in question visually. What i mean by that is, when you take a closer look then the interactions between Cindy and MC are very stock and basic flirting. Same can be said about his interactions with Bianca, which is just flirt with no substance. Yet both of them generate lot of interest with just that, for sure, But replace the girls who utter these lines with Linda or another in-game feminist, or even someone more popular with the playerbase like Donald Trump Sally, and despite the interaction being technically the same, speaking for myself the only chemistry it generates is an outpour of gastric juices or, at best, no reaction whatsoever.
It's the "human resources?" meme writ large.
So i think, even though it's not very charitable take, that the real issue boils down to whether the individual player finds Zoey attractive enough to hold their interest. If they don't, then no amount of award-winning writing is going to change that. (not that DPC's writing is award-winning) And given how many people are vocal about disliking tattoos on their porn girls, it's not surprising in the least how this character could easily be divisive. Even if a lot of it can be subconscious.
While I generally agree with your point in broad strokes, I don't think it's an adequate explanation here. Take the Cindy and Bianca example you gave. I didn't even know what Cinderella looked like until the MC offered to get her a drink; her 'thirsty ghoul' costume from Episode 9 was hardly flattering. Yet I still found her a lot more appealing than Bianca and that continued after the reveal despite Bianca being the more attractive of the two - at least to my conscious mind. Is this just my subconscious mind picking up on subtle details (blue eyes, perhaps)? Maybe, but I think it's a lot more likely that the circumstances and dialog of the girls makes a big difference in how I perceive them. Bianca's flirting seems reflexive and is at best empty, whereas Cindy's seems to reflect actual interest in the MC and could potentially go somewhere. I prefer the latter, and thus find Cindy more appealing. In other words, context matters when assessing attractiveness.
I think that applies to Zoey as well. I was pleasantly surprised by her in Episode 9, where I thought she came off far better than she had in the Interlude. Her look hadn't changed, so what did? Well, in the Interlude she came across as a clueless rebel who didn't even learn the Aesop at the end of her own story, whereas in Episode 9 she came across as a young adult with enough emotional maturity to recognize what she did to the MC. Small wonder my view on her has dimmed since then as she's been stuck in the thankless role of lovesick tween.
Now, I suppose you could argue I find emotional maturity attractive and thus respond better to girls that generally have their act together. You might have a point, but either way I'd say it boils down to a writing issue: Zoey's role in the game - as currently written - is a net negative, and no amount of character model shine will fix it.
This is of course only my own point of view, but it's not like there's another point of view I could use to review the episode.