The HOTs should just have a say in it, they should be the only one who decide with whom THEY are partying in the future. What BS is this whole meeting?
Historically, fraternities and sororities are paired off. Some of those sororities were founded as women’s auxiliaries to the fraternities; some of them are technically
still auxiliaries, and not full sororities. So they
have to party together. It’s in their charters.
Sage even points out the HOTs aren’t actually allowed (in their charter) to throw parties. They do it anyway and call them “mixers.” That’s because the expectation is every party would be done in conjunction with the fraternity they associate with, and held at the frat house.
Apparently the Alphas and HOTs have this setup. Yes it’s bullshit, but they can’t just change it. They’d have to get alumni approval—the alumni help pay for everything, so they have a vote, and sometimes a veto—and some alumni refuse to change anything, cuz it’s tradition. The DIKs, in comparison, have only
one alumnus, Vinny, who doesn’t pay for shit; and
one sponsor, Rusty’s dad. They can do whatever the fuck they want.