- Jun 15, 2022
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I generally try to be softer on Bella also because I don't fully understand her, what drives her and what she's been through before, and whether that can fully justify her or not: Bella is still a woman of mystery with unknown baggage until Episode 12.we are really close
they are both 2 betrayals driven mainly by lust, by desire, Bianca has the excuse of the shock of betrayal (if Jill is there then it has come out) and Bella a more generic shock not yet fully understood. i'm not so sure that the different phase of the relationship tips the bialncia so much in Bella's favour, if anything it increases MC's blame in Bianca's case. Bella risks not having that relationship at all, while Bianca puts her to the test, MC has many reasons to say no to Bianca, much less to say no to Bella (even considering that the first part of their story is not that thoughtful, but rather chaotic)
But overall it's a good statement, MC is a rotten cunt here playing with Bianca, and Bianca is a snake who betrays her friend and is also a hypocrite.
Female solidarity, thing that is exist, 100% info.Bella taking Mc home with her after the tennis match against Tybalt is not a great moment of female solidarity
Sorry, can't resist.
She can teach Jill a lot about life, Bianca failed her job at socializing Jill. Although Jill is already doing well as their relationship with MC develops... The main thing is that Sage doesn't mention to Jill that she jumped on MC's dick too..oops.let's hope she keeps the intention...