The meltdown was weird but OK: a little unexpected, I guess.
Yes, there are bits of dialogue that hint at Amber feeling totally stressed out, but it's hard to gauge exactly how bad she is, as she is also extremely articulate, which makes her seem, hrmm, composed? Sio when she has her meltdown, to me, it was a little bit coming out from left-field. (Is that the correct way to say this? English is not my mother tongue, so please excuse my eventual mangling of colloquialisms.)
But the constant repeat of the song while I was frantically looking for a way out was getting to me, I will admit.

[Same to the «end of current content music that hasn't stopped playing in the 15 minutes I've spent writing and editing this post: getting creepy in 'errre...]
I actually got the ladder to finally appear, after a good 10minutes in there; no idea what I did to finally make it appear, it wasn't there the numerous other times I was down in that area.
I must admit I was a little lost towards the end. [The Episode 4 bit, I guess. Starts when there's this (future) bit of dialogue between Amber, Holly and Megan about miss Clementine, around there, if I remember correctly.]
Part of why I was lost is that I'm too tired (stayed up way too late in order to see this through), but also because too many events played out of order. For example, in my play-through, Amber went on her date with Malcolm before she actually met him at university: he was in the «phone people to walk up to in order to call them» thing that I was exploring when I wanted Amber to bring people to blow at the health club, so I called him and got this date referring a previous conversation that I actually go to much later. This time-disconnect added to the actual time-travel/disconnect of the story to confuse me further.
Also, while the late story was unfolding, I kept saying in the back of my mind: "Hmm, I must have made a wrong choice somewhere, 'cause I read that amber gives a BJ to Mr. Boss upstairs, and I never go to see that." (Also, when we get the «End of current content» message, you left a mention that the ring leads to a sex event, and I'm not sure if that's the same one. Unless it's Amber blowing Pat Surpass Sach, which I saw. But I ramble: really tired...)
I also never was the rainbow region mentioned by you and Joe Steel earlier, so yeah, I missed some stuff...
Guess I'll have to replay, hey?
Also, think I figured out a way to take screenshots next play-though: all I need is bring another application to the front, like TextEdit, and take a screenshot while your game is still visible behind. I'll try that. But not tonight. I'm bushed.