RPGM - Completed - Beyond the Portal Island's Salvation [v2.4] [ExoFiroGames]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Imagine not killing the dragon that killed all the people you know. 'Oh boo hoo I was tortured when I was younger, so now I kill and terrorize' is such a braindead reason for MC to sympathize with.

    Gameplay isn't too bad, and even brisk although general FPS issues sometimes occur. Characters are generally hot and there's even an animated scene (one!). But fuck that plot I am mad and feeling retardation seep into my brain. Don't let this happen to you, don't read the fucking story.
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    X Death

    Okay i played it at first and kinda forgot about it in days, played it again, wandering around like headless chicken since game dont have reminder what should you do.

    The good thing game has to offer is just nice art, the others is just a let down. Story is not much and average, the conversation and the mc is super cringe especially at the end. You cant even fap to this, after 1 scene you need to do more stuff before get another sex scene. As for the gameplay is alright i guess, there's a bit of grind, enemy battle is quite easy than you think. to sum it up :

    Pros :
    +Nice art
    +Give a bit challenge

    Cons :
    -Story is average and bit cringe
    -lack of sex scene
    -no animation
    -no voice
    -why would the mc leave island full of girl
    -Maybe a bit grindy for some people
    -You can end up walking around like headless chicken if you forgot what to do.

    overall, you better off not playing this game, or just ripped the CG art for fap if you like the art.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I'm so tired of having my dick out in my hand ready to play a new H-game only to find that it has about 10 minutes of lewd content for like 3 hours of gameplay.

    The art is good, too bad each girl gets a short sex scene and that's it. There is no relationship progression, you can't see variations of any scenes, and you can't even view it again until after you beat the game. I don't think I got to even see the first scene until like an hour into the game.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Great art, very cute girls but a lot frustration with overly difficult boss battles, confusing story progression, wonky as hell FPS, and why the hell would you want to leave an island full of cute monster girls!?
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    I felt that there are too many moments that waste the players time with needless dialogue. made it very hard to get through. Please have a little more faith in your player base to be able to put things together without unskipable dialogue and needless character actions which just drag out the game.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Reasonably challenging, and at times frustrating, game that is carried by the artwork.

    The progression system with crafting and base building was a good idea, but the implementation needs work. The main issue is that the game presents itself as non-linear, but in reality there is a very specific order you have to defeat enemies and craft upgrades if you want to win any of the fights. This just results in a lot of wasted time as you try to go to a new area, fight the enemies, and then realize you have no chance of winning until you level up in a different area and get some new gear. Many of the enemies disappear after fighting them, leaving very limited options to raise your level if you're struggling. The final boss is challenging even at level cap, you may have to retry a few times and hope for good RNG. My playtime clocked in at right about 5 hours, with probably another hour of game overs and reloading.

    Despite the title art, there aren't any scenes with multiple girls, each girl gets one H scene with you and that's it. The scenes themselves are well drawn and well done. The English MTL is pretty decent, everything is understandable, but a few of the conversations don't sound quite right. Most of the H scenes are towards the end of the game. Not very fappable with the long times between scenes and game overs.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best H games I've ever played. I loved that the game is in full Spanish. I even liked the gameplay more than the H content.
    Having to build everything is one of the things I liked most about the game. How you improve your character little by little but without the need to farm stupidly is something that many games should learn. It took me 6 hours to complete it and it was great.
    If I have to complain it's that only one scene is animated. For the rest is perfect

    100% recommended
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    You get isekai'd to a fantasy world after a dragon attacks the plane you're on and sends you through a portal into a deserted island. Now you must gather up resources, craft, fight and level up to find a way back home.

    The basic gameplay loop is very fun and addictive, where you explore the island to gather up items needed to craft structures and equipment that you'll need to progress through the game. The game's paced to gradually open up new areas and resources so nothing ever feels overwhelming. Combat is simple with just enough depth to be engaging, with items, weapon types, and skills designed to take on specific situations. Because stat increases are small and the level cap is low, there's no need to grind and combat feels very balanced and well-tuned (with the exception of the final boss, who is legitimately tough and will require luck and possibly all your resources to beat).

    Occupying the island are a cast of monster girl, some friendly and helpful while others are more hostile at firs. Their artwork is gorgeously drawn with cute and erotic designs. Interaction with the inhabitants will be key to your success and can lead to satisfying rewards.

    Minor bugs can occur during battle and out. Sometimes combat will soft lock when using the counter skill in my experience, and advancing through H scenes too quickly can cause an error. Thankfully a generous auto-save feature means that you never lose out on too much time, though things can get frustrating if you lose progress after a tough boss fight.

    While the gameplay is fun and well-paced, unfortunately the time it takes to get H scenes is a bit on the lengthy side. It can at least an hour before you get your first H scene, and each girl sadly only has 1 scene associated with them. Beat the game and you unlock a gallery map where you can access all the scenes. If the girls had a couple more scenes to them each, then this could have easily been a 5/5 must play but despite the small variety of H scenes the game is fun enough to warrant playing all the way to the end.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't usually write reviews, but I'll give it a try.

    EroFiroGames debut project is a really neat short RPG, playing time around 5 to 7 hours. During this game you will meet many really cute and sexy monster girls (semi-human). Each of the monster girls has their own H-event (fully uncensored), most of which take place in the second half of the game.

    In terms of gameplay, you can expect some classic fights that aren't too easy, but never feel unfair if you prepare by expanding your base and using the crafting system. It is still advisable to save often, because if you lose, you have to load the last save. The procurement of materials für building and crafting is also very well balances so that you never have to farm very much.

    I don't want to go into the stroy any further at this point to avoid spoilers because everything important is already on the game page. All that remains to say is that the stroy is really well written and that the translation with ChatGPT from Spanish to English is surprisingly fantastic. So at least from my point of view whose native language is not Englisch.

    In conclusion I can only give a full purchase recommendation and say that the game is definitely worth more than $7.00.

    I really hope to see more games from EroFiroGames in the future because the country really needs great uncensored H-games with cute and sexy characters, especially monster girls.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Rare RPGM game that is actually enjoyable. There is no grinding (apart from the survival game portion) and the fights are more puzzle-like rather than just level up until you beat them. The survival game aspects were a pretty interesting addition but also annoying and grindy early on when you lack the ability to get resources easily. However, some of the later fights are just bad and could have been balanced better where for one you have to rely on cheese strats to win and others they're just extremely easy and you bonk them to death and ignore the mechanics. I found the mid-game bosses very fun and well designed so its a shame they fell off at the end.

    While there isn't that much pornographic content, what is there is very well done. I would have liked more than just 1 scene per character but I'll take 12 high quality scenes over 100 mediocre ones.

    There were also some weird FPS drop issues but they seemed to immediately go away when you enter a different area.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    For a game that came out of nowhere, a pretty good RPG experience.
    Genuinely a decent game in of itself but lackluster fap content.

    Besides some very good character busts you get a few static teaser scenes and exactly one actual sexual content scene per girl.
    One per girl. No exceptions. And there is no repeating them until you reach the gallery post-game.

    Those are the only downsides i have with the game (my framerate was fine. some contemplate it is unplayable. must be a spec thing.)
    That and the insanely hard bossfight.

    You cap out at Lvl 10 with 100-110 health.
    You get one full restore item and the boss' attacks can sometimes oneshot you. Just cheat your stats up or take the 100% save file at that point.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice building and crafting system, the progresion feels natural and i love the art of the girls, just hope the Owl get another scene sad felt a little short at the end, i was really enjoying the plot.