i Found it ^^
in the savefile the entry
suppress_overlay 1/0 -1

it must be 0 not 1
Yes Possible, since the Cheat Mod is an overlay.
Type in Console.
suppress_overlay = False
Thanks for the Save file.
No. The Cheat-Mod has not been loaded into your Save file.
Either you are checking in a different folder or this is the wrong Save file.
First delete the <Cheat mod> file from the Game folder.
Check Screenshots below:
Image 1:
You're Save file renamed as
Image 2:
As the Save file Loads.
Image 3:
Checking if it the right Save file. As you can notice in the first console command, it says "Test OnlyFunz"
And we have issue loading lisa_relmax. Meaning the Cheat Mod has not loaded into this Save file.
Image 4:
I have attached a Save file in the post below.
Try saving it in your Save folder and load it.
And type the command "lisa_relmax" again.
I'm trying to understand, how the variables are carried out.
If you are able to see lisa_relmax with value of 927
Now, copy the Cheat Mod file into the Game folder.
And check if you are able to the see Cheat Mod icon in game.