That's the default Black color for that Hair asset, with the exposure of more light it gets blown as gray, the render i posted was to make the whole scene look brighter to match the amount of Sun light.Not bad, i mean vey good.
Only thing i would change on Alice is her hair, her hair color is like gray, like she has 90 years not 20( i am not exacly sure for her age)
Let me show you how it got evolved: in the below sample renders..
1st image is the actual render.
2nd image is with the characters skin tone adjustment
3rd image is best suited but it quite disagrees with the light intensity in the back ground.
4th was intentionally made to expose and blown away, so when you add Vignette or other filters it will give better results.

Now, with the Vignette (and clarity) applied to the 4th image (the original render posted).
You can see how much difference it makes. So, its a play of lights that can change how you see a character.